(I preface this course with the following, the POWER system was designed by myself and has been of use to me, I have not plagiarised any of this material except where indicated and acknowledged. The SMART system has been used since 1981 and various excerpts from text will be indicated at the end of each lesson)

Please watch this video first - http://goo.gl/W6XSk7

Welcome to the POWER system of goal setting and achievement

"Oh no" I hear you crying already, not another person telling me that goals are important and to write them down. Yes, I agree with you, its how I felt for 20 years and its why I am sharing this with you now because after 20 years, maybe 25 I have realised that I never HAD and certainly never FOLLOWED goals.

I am sure you have heard the phrases, "I have climbed the ladder only to find that it is against the wrong wall" or "I have followed the river to the wrong ocean" or "if you keep banging your head against the wall - you will only get a bloody head" these phrases and countless others have been passed down to us because they are TRUE!. If we do not set and follow goals then we drift, we let life control us, we float down a river, not even THE river. We are a boat without a rudder, so on and so forth. How do you know where you are going if you have no destination and no map and no way of knowing where you are at a particular point?

We all know the age old definition of insanity — "doing the same thing over and over again expecting the different results" Old, cliche, yep and again its because it is true.

You are all in WA because you want to be successful but how many of you are following goals, I will safely predict under 10% and thats a high estimate.

I have owned a few businesses and yep, without goals, I admit. My old mentor used to say to me, "if you fail to plan then you plan to fail" and wow was he right! I never saw the importance of goals and thought it was all very boring. I remember finding it so dry to set up policies and systems and get them into a manual because I thought it was too restrictive. I realised that when systems are in place then it is actually liberating because I could then enjoy my business because I knew that in the background systems were running. This is the same with personal goals, the trouble is that people just do not have a system in place to set goals and follow through.

Now, a thought about humans and the human brain.

What does this mean?

A direct quote from 'psycho-cybernetics' by Maxwell Maltz...( a book you should all read by the way!)

"the mind is not 'a mind' at all but a mechanism - a goal striving 'servo-mechanism' consisting of the brain and nervous system, which is used by and directed by the mind.....a built in guidance system or goal striving device put their by its creator to help it achieve goals and allow it to live....This built in guidance mechanism automatically steers you in the right direction much like a torpedo in response to our goals and our stimuli" (*)

They knew this stuff back in 1969 so why dont we all have goals.


Well, be bothered people, be very bothered because if we don't put the right stimuli in then the world will, and it does

Why do we fail — because we listen to our world and friends and use that stimulus

Why do we not succeed — because we are afraid of what we read and what we are told.

Why do we not live to our potential — because we don't know what our potential is

Why do we not get there — because we dont know where 'there' is.

So why do we not set goals — because we think it's boring and they dont work.

A quick test

I want you to think of something you have been putting off. It may be small, it may be larger.

Now write it down and give it 1 task or it may take 2 or 3 to get it completed.

Go to your calendar in the kitchen or get your diary

Set a date that this task will be done, this may just be a phone call

Reward yourself when you have done the task.

Goals are important, they are how we get to where we want or need to be.

The difference between successful people and the rest is not that they have more hours in a day, they are generally not smarter than you or better looking or luckier. They have figured out the secret - there is no secret. Its goals and hard work guys.

A quick example:-

John and Wendy just built a gorgeous house at the end of my road and i am a little envious actually, I work hard, always have done but I struggle and certainly dont have the money for that house.

John and Wendy's house started with a foundation and that foundation started with a hole. That hole started with a call to the people that ran the diggers. The diggers were recommended by the project manager who ran the construction site. That construction site was picked by the architect that was picked by John and Wendy. The plans for the architect were drawn up based on John and Wendy's rough drawings. Those rough drawings were from a plan they scribbled on a pad while at dinner at their favourite restaurant. It was John's idea to take Wendy to that restaurant that night to discuss his dream house 7 years ago. His decision came from a thought that he was tired of his 2 bed and he wanted a bigger house. That thought was planted into his 'servo-mechanism' we call a mind by a picture he saw on TV. It starts with a thought.

...and thats how it works people.

And we can't do it without goals and action plans.

Do you get it yet ! Do you see how important this is?

If you get it then please complete the tasks and lets get going!!

* Psycho cybernetics -M.Maltz (1969)

Tasks 0/3 completed
1. Read and understand the philosophy of goals
2. Read psycho-cybernetics
3. Decide on a time and a place to start thinking seriously about your goals.

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ericrk7 Premium
Thanks Mikey, this is absolutely fantastic! I have bad handwriting, so I typed it down--is that OK? My wife went to bed, so I'll share with her tomorrow. ---This is great!

MikeyB Premium
great eric, I hope it works for you two,
Jenna7 Premium
Hi MikeyB-just confused myself. Ha. It is better to start with Skyhorse's goal course, then yours, correct? Thanks a lot.
skyhorse Premium
Lol yeah. We both talked about it and mine goes into the mental aspect and more on obstacles and such with your goals, then his is the goal setting. Although mine does do goal setting as well. They are a tag team event.
MikeyB Premium
Yes I think that horse guy is a bit mental lol while mine is hands on get it done....LOL...both are good.....let me know...
Jenna7 Premium
Skyhorse, I keep running into your posts, etc lately, lol..........thanks. I am off to do that one then first.

I will be back MikeyB.

Thanks to you guys for creating this help.
skyhorse Premium
Mikey, you have no idea lol. But both the theory and practical experience is important. You can't have one without the other.

@Jenna, well thank you. I try to be active!
OldCodger Premium
Excellent in every respect, Mike! There's a saying: "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." Thanks for providing both a path and a guiding light.
:) george
MikeyB Premium
Thank you sir, much appreciated.
jerrymc Premium
WOW, what a powerful course. This is what I have been in need of for the last year or so.

I have been jumping around all over the place and not accomplishing a blasted thing. So, I am bowing up and getting things organized and my goals laid out with weekly plans so that I can progress.

THANK YOU for this valuable course. God Bless you richly. :-) Jerry Mc
Bill Carver Premium
What is an A4 notebook?
What is a "coppers jotter" (A7 notebook)?

In the US most people are used to sizes - - an 8.5 inch X 10.0 inch notebook is most common.
Smaller sizes/measurements are available.
MikeyB Premium
You will need a notebook about the size of a regular sheet of paper. A lined common notebook. A copper jotter is the small flip type pad, this is your daily notetaker and pad that is with you for notes and ideas
skyhorse Premium
How can we run them through s SMART test if you want them to be vague and not specific? They will fail because, "be fit and healthy in 10 years" isn't specific. Yes it is achievable, but no its not measureable, and only the person can say if it is realistic or not.

So how many do they need to pass for the SMART test then?
MikeyB Premium
They can SMART test a vague goal absolutely. The goal at 10 years is vague by design as life changes and SMART testing at 10 is a futile exercise. If 'be fit and healthy in 10 years" is not specific at 10 this is ok as it becomes more specific at 5 and 1 and immediate. Getting goals down in a form that can be realised is a first step. I would not 'specifically' know the house I want in 10 but I know I want one. The S in SMART can also be Simple. The course is an exercise in getting these goals down on paper, this alone is major for most people.
MikeyB Premium
Skyhorse, I have amended the 10yr goal SMART test with an addendum to specificity, thank you.
skyhorse Premium
Ok, I forget that sometimes. I have studied goal setting for several years now and even have taught workshops about it. So sometimes I forget that others don't do what I do. Thanks!!!