Wealth File #3

Rich people are committed to being rich.

Poor people want to be rich.

Just about everybody wants to be rich, but are you committed?

Getting rich is no walk in the park.

It takes effort, hard work and a never give up attitude.

You have to be committed!

I have made the commitment to becoming rich!

I won’t give up when it becomes hard!

What about you?

Will you commit to being rich?

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Mike-Writes Premium
Excellent insight, John. The right mindset is key to all success.
johnwnewman Premium
Thanks Mike! :-)
laurenjean Premium
Thanks for the reminder John! Read this book a few years ago, and remember really enjoying it. Wonderful to find a summary here. I think these principles can be applied to anything that matters in life - not just money. e.g. Cultivating a growth mindset, following a spiritual path, healing the world...
johnwnewman Premium
Definitely laurenjean! Thanks :-)
Miren Premium
Good job, John! I'm looking forward to part 2 =)
I have not read the book "The secrets of the millionaire mind" but a lot of people have recommended it to me so it's on my list of books to read lol. Have you read "Speed wealth" by Harv Eker?
johnwnewman Premium
Thanks Miren! Yes I have read that one, I have a copy in PDF!
I am a big fan of Harv :-)
dorina62 Premium
The money make good things and the money makes bad things, it depends on who has them, good people with money will make good things, bad people with money will make bad things.
johnwnewman Premium
Exactly! People often says that money changes people. I believe that money only makes you more of what you already are!
It just amplifies both the good and the bad!
But I believe that you can change your beliefs around money for the better.
Money is only a tool and you should use it for good :-)
Mac01 Premium
Love this kind of stuff, John! I've looked into a few courses that teach mindset and habits of the rich, a lot of credible info there which I totally use myself. I even write about this on my website. Liked and liked!
Best, Thomas
johnwnewman Premium
Thanks Thomas :-)
I also post a lot about mindset and money beliefs on my site too, I just think it is so important for success and ultimately happiness!
Mac01 Premium
We'll if we've discovered WA because of mindset then we must be doing something right! :)
johnwnewman Premium
Absolutely! :-)