Nofollow links

Webmasters often want to link to some content but do not endorse them as "authorities". They use the "no follow" attribute to tell search engines that they refer to these websites but do not see them authoritative enough to earn their credit.

Backlinko says they are links with the "no follow tags attached to the code. The tag request that search engines should not put a value on that link. The concept of nofollow was introduced by Google in 2005 to curb spamming of comment sections in authority websites and forums.

The code for a no follow links looks like this

: <a rel = “nofollow” href = “” > my website </a>.

On comparing to the do-follow link, you will observe a "no follow" attribute attached to it.

Let us see some of the importance of nofollow links from one of the most popular digital media icons – Neil Patel.

Importance of nofollow link to SEO

  1. Increase traffic generation

Although they are called nofollow links, it does not stop users from clicking on them, and the tag is not obvious to users. As such, one of their primary benefits is to help drive traffic to your content. A website like "The Entrepreneur" has a massive audience, and a nofollow link from their website will still direct traffic to your content

2. Directly and indirectly impacts SEO. Yes the tag "nofollow" is to restrict search engines from giving credits to the referenced pages. But Google webmasters are also aware that a lot of those using the "no follow" links do not just want to give credit to smaller websites, and they still see those content as being relevant

So if you receive nofollow links, it does not mean it will not impact your SEO. They directly affect your website ranking, although they do not give SEO juice as much as the dofollow links will provide.

3. They help create a balance in your backlink profile. Gathering dofollow links alone will look suspicious. They will look like paid or exchanged links. They look as if they were not earned from your content quality alone.

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    YvonneBray Premium
    I'm confused. I was under the impression that the no follow link was to be used to an external website and links such as Amazon, and the follow link to my internal website.
    Parameter Premium
    Yes Yvonne,

    You are right, Webmasters from Big websites use the nofollow link to refer to smaller websites.

    The use it to say "although I am linking to this website, but it is not an authority"

    I hope you got the gist

    YvonneBray Premium
    So I’m on the right track then?
    Siobhan3 Premium
    Are we supposed to check the "no follow" box for our affiliate links? I read somewhere that we were.
    Parameter Premium
    Hi Siobhan,

    No no,

    The no follow instruction has nothing to d o with affiliate links. The are attached to backlinks by webmasters.

    jn232 Premium
    If we did not tick the 'no follow' box for the affiliate links in our post, it is still ok right, Ayodeji?

    Siobhan3 Premium
    OK, thank you!
    JKulk1 Premium
    Hi Ayodeji. You have opened up a new world if no follow links to me. I was always under the impression that 'no follow' was used on pages that you didn't want the search engine's ranking , such as the 'sbout me' page. Jim
    Parameter Premium
    Hi Jim,

    Thank you for taking out time to see the training.
    To stop search engine from seeing your pages you use a noidex meta tag or a robot.txt file on the page. See this from Google

    But the no follow instruction is just an added instruction webmasters include in a link to show that although they are linking to your websites but search engines should not see it as an authority.

    An example of a tool that can help you check you no follow and dofollow backlink is the ahref backlink checker. You can check the backlink profile of your website for free. See below

    Israel17 Premium
    Links are extremely crucial for improving SEO, Ayodeji! Thanks for this piece!

    Israel Olatunji
    Parameter Premium
    Hi Israel,

    Thank you, I always want to compare my website to a car. While the website is the car, our content is the engine part, OUR LINK IS THE OIL IN THE ENGINE.
    I will liken the engine oil to our backlinks and compare the transmission oil to our internal links

    StephenThiam Premium
    Very hard to understand it. Thanks for sharing.
    Parameter Premium

    Hello Steve, Kindly let me know where you need me share more light. I will be glad to do that
