You should now see a graph displaying the popularity of Affiliate Marketing for the country where you reside. You can see in the image below, mine is displaying results for the United States.

Just under your search query and above the graph you see your country name, search duration (days, months, years), all categories, and web search. You can adjust these to your liking.

Now in the area to the right of where you have the words Affiliate Marketing, click or tap where is says +Compare and type in Multi Level Marketing and hit Enter/Return on your keyboard.

The numbers displayed vertically along the left side of the graph represent the search interest for any given region and time. The higher the number the better with 100 being peak popularity.

To see this information popup just click the ? icon next to the words “Interest Over Time” on the upper left side of the graph.

NEXT UP = Popularity of your search query based on worldwide locations

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Triblu Premium
Thank YOU SO much Rob for your comprehensive training. You are so good at sharing, and you are among my favourite instructors (not just on WA either)!

"Like'd" and tagged for referencing and sharing in the future.
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Trish. I am always happy to share what I know with this community that will help in their website development.
TeamIceCream Premium
Hi Trish
Yip, I agree with you - and not just on WA either! ;-)
Enjoy a lovely day, Trish!
Sharlee (Chocolate IceCream)
Barley1 Premium
Yeah I've been giving this info out to people for about three weeks now.

boomergp08 Premium
That's great Danny. Google Trends is a great free tool to use for website content development.
Barney44 Premium
Thanks for the training. I personally am going to bookmark this with a couple of extra ** in front of it to remind me to review frequently

boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Barry. I hope you will find benefit in using Google Trends. I am using it more in my website content to help with SEO.
Oneilj28 Premium
packed full of info as usual
boomergp08 Premium
I always try to be as thorough as possible.
AffMktgRt Premium
Thanks so much for sharing Robert.

boomergp08 Premium
It was my pleasure. Other members asked me about using Google Trends so I figured I would just create the training.