Hi everyone!

If you're anything like me, putting up your first training can be really daunting. Blog posts are easy, but training? We post on Social Media, but what results do we get?

Use TASTY magnets to gain more valuable paying customers.

TASTY stands for:

  • Teach
  • Action Steps
  • Solves an Urgent Pain Point
  • Transforms from A - B
  • Your Voice

We are all teachers and in your posts, you will be directing your efforts to your most valuable prospects. The simpler and more concise, the better. This creates an impact and grabs attention.

Your action steps are what you need to do to get people on your email list, clicking on your link, or watching your video.

We must not only solve our prospects pain points, but we must cover at least 2 WIIFM points. (What's In It For Me). Customers do not want to know how much you've achieved, but rather - do you treat them like Gold!

Although we are writing posts for our site, remember we are transforming our delivery evey day and hopefully taking our prospects from A to B with our course, ebook, posts and site content.

Your voice is your tone of writing and speaking. As we are concentrating on Social Media, we want to be concise, short and sweet. You can get by with a long post, but remember, in most cities, people are in a rush and haven't got the time to read it!

Here is a TASTY Magnet example:

Do a deep cleanse the simple and easy way. Heal from within and rejuvenate your life!

You know you need clarity to accomplish your vision and goals - Well a deep cleanse and rejuvenation program will get you there.

How? By registering for my 60 Day Deep Cleanse and Rejuvenation Program to Help You Feel Amazing by Christmas 2019.

To find out more, Click Here: (Your Link)

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    seodoc26 Premium
    Excellent Article and I love your call to action :)
    Stella741 Premium
    Thank you!