2. Move Everything Online

When the pandemic broke out, the lockdown and the ban on traveling followed. Due to that, it is no surprise that everything is moving online.

Also, there had been a sudden increase in companies that want to create or update their website and focus more on e-commerce channels and a lot more.

The pandemic makes now the time to increase your presence online. Maybe you have been using some online marketing channels during this time! But now, you can do more online.

One new thing you can do is to automate your email communication. For example, iNECTA, ERP software for food industry, uses this email communication to receive merchandise, create invoice online.

No matter the industry you are in, there is more to take online.

You can do a couple of things like:

  • Investing in CRM (Customer Relationship Management) service
  • You can host webinars to get the trust of new customers
  • You can also support your employee's needs

Here, the main point is, strive to bring more processes online. This way, you stay engaged with your customers and employees. And this is necessary for your business to thrive.

3. Invest in Facebook Ads

Many people today stay indoors and online, mostly on social media. And when they do this, the rate at which the ROI comes from ads increases. Facebook ads, in particular, are pocket-friendly.

They help in advertising any adjustments you have made to your business or any offer or discount on sale. More than ever before, ads play a vital role in boosting your business as they are engaging and well-targeted.

With Facebook ads, you can reach many customers based on their gender, location, interest, and so on.

Ever since the pandemic, the CPM (cost per thousand impressions) of ads has been lowered since companies keep a relatively moderate budget for marketing. This makes this era a good time to invest in a good Facebook ad strategy. This can serve as a means to make more money.

When ads are consistent and repeated, they become more effective. This is why Facebook retargeting is another good strategy you can implement during this pandemic.

When you retarget, you get people in contact with your brand.

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lesabre Premium
Thank you Israel. Appreciate the lesson.

wesley26 Premium
Useful info at this time !!
Claudiojuan Premium
Thank you Israel for detailing the different ways to communicate with our audience. I found it very useful. Cheers!
Israel17 Premium
Great, Claudio! Glad it came in handy! Communicating with the audience is an essential strategy to grow your business in 2021.

Israel Olatunji
JEaston Premium Plus
Excellent training, Israel.
I need these guides as soon; I'm going to use this digital marketing strategy. Thanks.

Israel17 Premium
Good to know you've made resolution to try out those digital marketing strategies in the post-pandemic era, Joyce!

Israel Olatunji
JulietAA Premium
Another powerful training.
Thanks Israel.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for leaving a thought, Juliet! Glad you found it interesting and helpful! I hope you'd find the post-pandemic marketing strategies helpful!

Israel Olatunji
JulietAA Premium
Yes Israel,
The strategies are very helpful, I'm going to be using them.