What role can visual aids play? Do you need to use them in all public speaking presentations? This is probably a key difference between public speaking and website creation. It is generally accepted that a strategically placed image will enhance your blog post or review.

While this can be true in online writing, visual aids are not always as effective as a public speaking technique. I rarely use visual aids in my talks. Visual aids are just that, they aid or emphasize a point being made. Don't use them just because you can; they could be a great distraction from the key points you are trying to make.

Effective Visual Aids

How do you teach the periodic table without a visual aid? It would be almost impossible. Some subjects just need a visual prop so you can effectively instruct. Mathematical calculations on a board or chart can be useful. Maps and photos can take your audience on tour with you. Charts can clearly define the statistics you are using to prove a vital action point.


The objective of visual aids should be to instruct not entertain. Using them to give visual reinforcement to ideas will emphasize key points in your talk. Make sure they are dignified and that they will in no way give offence to any in your audience. Properly used, they can make a deep impression on your audience and leave them with information that may impact on them for a long time. They could be vital in motivating them to follow a course of action.


  • Don't use visual aids just as a list of the points you are going to cover. I have sat in an audience listening to a speaker who did just that. When we have a boring speaker in front of us, the visual aid is nothing more than a convenient distraction and a means to calculate how much time we have left to listen to him.
  • Don't make them too small so that only those in the front row can see them.


Visual aids play a vital role in enhancing a public speaking presentation. Be sure you have worked out why you are using them. Make then effective. Be sure all can see and benefit from them and use them to support not overshadow effective teaching skills.

Don't forget to complete your tasks before we discuss Facial Expressions and Gestures in Lesson 8.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Write down 3 reasons for using visual aids
2. Write down 3 reasons for not using visual aids

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Funkydunc208 Premium
So a quick question. I am looking at updating this training in the future. What other micro skills could I include to ramp up the effectiveness? Love to hear everyone's views.
JudeP Premium
I find meditation to be a great way of focusing the mind. I then use positive affirmations to constantly remind myself that I am as good as anyone else out there and I do know what I am talking about. Also, the art of seeing yourself in that future position becomes more and more real, the more you practice it.
Funkydunc208 Premium
Hi Jude.
Absolutely. If you haven't read the book, Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, I highly recommend it. It discussed worthiness and how we can reach the state of believing we are enough, we can do it. She also has some great TED talks.
Chat soon,
JudeP Premium
Thank you for the info, will be sure to take a look :)
krazykat Premium
Excellent training Duncan.
I saw it earlier and waited until I had some time to go through it thoroughly. Great job. Thank you!
Funkydunc208 Premium
You're welcome. I am so glad you enjoyed it. I hope it helps in a number of areas of your life.
HeyItsMeLori Premium
Know your topic, is 100 true. I hate public speaking, and avoid it, but the times I haven't been as nervous are the times I felt like I was just sharing information that I knew very well. It was much more relaxing, if you could ever say that about public speaking! :)
Funkydunc208 Premium
Hi Lori, That is so true. Being well-prepared is a vital ingredient. What a victory - to be able to find public speaking more relaxing, just through better preparation.