Public speaking invokes all sorts of fears into even the toughest of men. I have seen strapping men who can fix cars, build houses, go pig shooting in the bush, etc, disintergrate into a nervous weakling when they face the idea of public speaking. People's careers have stalled due to public speaking anxiety.


So in this tutorial, we are going to deal with some of the tools that will help you present information in public. Yes, it will help you at your daughter's wedding, when you do a sales pitch at work, and when you write killer content for your website.

It may seem strange that the seemingly anonymous life of online business is connected to public speaking. But it is very much connected. Having the skills to effectively research material for a presentation, knowing how to organize it and then present it, will assist us in writing reviews and blog posts that will engage our audience. And you will sound amazing at your daughter's wedding.

So let's begin. We are first going to deal with the fears of public speaking and what some anxiety coaches show is the way to overcome it. Later, we will consider some key techniques that can empower you to be a success at public speaking.

The next page focuses on the public speaking fears we face and whether they are real or imagined. But before you read that information, please complete the tasks below. They will help you address some fears and give you some goals to reach out for.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Write down three fears you have about public speaking
2. Write down three skills you would like to develop in making presentations

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Funkydunc208 Premium
So a quick question. I am looking at updating this training in the future. What other micro skills could I include to ramp up the effectiveness? Love to hear everyone's views.
JudeP Premium
I find meditation to be a great way of focusing the mind. I then use positive affirmations to constantly remind myself that I am as good as anyone else out there and I do know what I am talking about. Also, the art of seeing yourself in that future position becomes more and more real, the more you practice it.
Funkydunc208 Premium
Hi Jude.
Absolutely. If you haven't read the book, Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, I highly recommend it. It discussed worthiness and how we can reach the state of believing we are enough, we can do it. She also has some great TED talks.
Chat soon,
JudeP Premium
Thank you for the info, will be sure to take a look :)
krazykat Premium
Excellent training Duncan.
I saw it earlier and waited until I had some time to go through it thoroughly. Great job. Thank you!
Funkydunc208 Premium
You're welcome. I am so glad you enjoyed it. I hope it helps in a number of areas of your life.
HeyItsMeLori Premium
Know your topic, is 100 true. I hate public speaking, and avoid it, but the times I haven't been as nervous are the times I felt like I was just sharing information that I knew very well. It was much more relaxing, if you could ever say that about public speaking! :)
Funkydunc208 Premium
Hi Lori, That is so true. Being well-prepared is a vital ingredient. What a victory - to be able to find public speaking more relaxing, just through better preparation.