Some forums will allow you to have a straight affiliate link in your signature, and this space is prime advertising real estate. Add your WA affiliate link to your signature and you'll be surprised how many people click on your link and check out Wealthy Affiliate. Here are a few example signatures that may be effective.

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To add your affiliate link to your signature link you will first need to get your unique affiliate link for Wealthy Affiliate. This can be be found at the top of this page.

You will then need to check the linking structure used on the forum you choose for your promotions. There are a few variations of the code used, but all forums have a section where they explain how to correctly create a signature link.

PLEASE NOTE: Always read the terms and conditions of the forum you are using to ensure that you are allowed to use straight affiliate links in your signature.

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Ayrean Premium
Hey thanks for the insight its very informative.
reubenong Premium
Well said.
A remarkable and valuable tutorial on how to promote your own Internet Marketing product and WA in the right way, inside Forums..
As you said, I'm interested to know more about you. I clicked your WA signature link.
I'm inspired by your success story since joining WA.
Thank you for sharing.
cromaczs07 Premium
Now that's how you look up forums! Thank you for that one, I honestly don't know it before.
good i hope that i will do the right thing.
James9 Premium
Good one Marcus I will use it.