What's The Difference?

So what is the difference between a pagae and a post?


You will most likely use posts for majority of your site’s content as posts are the the entries that carry the content to your audience.

You will use a post to add content regarding your blog with articles of interest or stories for engagment depending what youer niche is but also you will use POSTS for selling or reviewing articles, these will be published as posts with a time and date.

Posts encourage engagement and interaction with your audience where your audience can comment in boxes below the article making the cintent sociable and interactive.

These are more likley to be shared on social media by visitors rather than pages.


Pages are designed to be meant static “one-off” type content such as your home page, about page, privacy policy,

Pages describe what the website is about, they give the website structure and organisation.

unlike posts there is not normally a time or date associated with pages.


"A category is one of the pre-defined taxonomies in WordPress."

Categories are used to organise and group together content into different sections and are particularly useful when you have a website that publishes different types of contents on various subjects as you can divide the topics into sections.

Recap - Posts vs. Pages

  • Posts are dated and timed vs. Pages are are not
  • Posts are designed to be more engaging vs. Pages are not
  • Posts can be categorized vs. Pages are for order and structure.

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elores Premium
Thanks for the refresher training. This reminds me of when I wrote a page for my website and had a problem with it because I was confused on how to use it.
dalwhu Premium
Glad I could help
FKelso Premium Plus
Recaps are great. I am also going back over the first training, and discovering interesting little things that I missed.
dalwhu Premium

You definitely pick up things the second time around don't you
FKelso Premium Plus
Yes, it is very helpful.
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you for breaking it down.

This has been really confusing to me.

Page / post = got it

I am going to do the training again for similar reasons.

dalwhu Premium
HI Jennifer

your welcome
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you

RussellO1 Premium
This is one part of the training that I am yet to fully understand. Still can't say that I do but some things are a bet clearer.
dalwhu Premium
HI Russell

Some things take a little longer to understand than others, I struggled with this in the beginning and I also took longer to understand a few other things but that's what we do here support each other.

I'm glad it's made it clearer for you

Talk2Ray Premium
thanks for sharing Darren. Your training really cleared up a lot. Loved the charts.
dalwhu Premium
Hi Ray

I’m glad it helped you as that is the aim.

Take care buddy