I am reading Hill's book Think and Grow Rich. Some of you probably have already read this book for those who have not they probably should. This is a thirteen step book on success describing men like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, and Charles Swab. plus many other success men.

I plan to post on this book weekly with new ideas. The first would be thought. Lets use Wealthy Affiliate as an example. Kyle and Carson, had a thought. Now I do not know how many people were involved in building Wealthy Affiliate but it had to start with their thought.

I would guess that a lot of the guru's said it will not work after they went live with Wealthy Affiliate. If it was not said or printed it surely went through their minds. How can they possible make money with a free program.

Through a lot of work and thought they have made this the number on business online. With this thought in mind lets go on to page two.

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KatieMac Premium
I have read this book however I do need to revisit it gaining faith is certainly a game changer, good insights thank you for sharing
JamesHorn Premium
I have never gotten completely through it this is my second attempt. I will make it all the way through this time
johnwnewman Premium
I have read Think an Grow Rich 3 times! Great book :-)
JamesHorn Premium
Yes it is I am reading it now never have gotten completely through it this is my second time. Before I download to a CD and listened while on the road
Loes Premium
There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made,
and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the
interspaces of the universe.
A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by
the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought
upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to
be created.
Wallace D. Wattles 1910 – The Science of Getting Rich
JamesHorn Premium
If I understand Wallace Wattles right he is talking about Auto Suggestion. You can influence the mind to believe in anything you want it to believe.
I have that book I will be reading it
Loes Premium
This book is a sort of my bible to me:))
JamesHorn Premium
I have both books available in a pdf file I should give them to my referrals
Loes Premium
A very precious gift James!
cmjwood Premium
Thank you for the training! Look forward to hearing more. So many people don't plan for their success, but you have to. You have to write it down, be specific and write in detail. If you believe it will happen, it will. You have to stay positive and have faith, even when others don't believe. I believe it was Nepolian Hill that said that when you have written down what you want (in detail - like a car) you write thank you over it (acceptance) and you put it away and not look at it again. Then when you start seeing that same car over and over again you know that you are getting closer to your dreams.

Looking forward to more of your training. Great job! Cindy
JamesHorn Premium
Thank you, did that quote come from think and grow rich. If it did I haven,t gotten to that. I am doing this training and writing about Think and grow Rich because so many people will not read it and should.

The 6 step plan came for that book and I have my plan where I can read it often.
cmjwood Premium
My mistake, I do apologize, it was not Nepolian Hill it was J. Earl Shoaff (How to become a millionaire) it was a recording. He was a mentor to Jim Rohn. I'm so sorry I had it wrong.
JamesHorn Premium
No problem I have a 24 cd set of inspirational speakers Jim Rohn is one of them. My favorite is Kernel Hubbard talking about being a pow in Viet Nam. One part I liked was when he said we do not even use 1/10 of what the human mind is capable of.
cmjwood Premium
Hmm that's interesting. Yes, I'm sure we are capable of so much more.