So now you have your way cool domain all set up and you are wondering what to do next.

Well, the next thing you need to do is to promote your way cool domain. What that really means is you need to get some traffic. You need to find people who are hungry for your offer.

So who really wants what you have to offer?

How would they look for it on the Internet?

How can I meet them and send them to my way cool domain?

Questions like these are what you, as an affiliate marketer, will be thinking as you ramp up your campaign for the needed traffic.

Since we have already used the example of promoting Wealthy Affiliate memberships we will continue that scenario, after all, this is a sequel!

So who really wants what you have to offer?

You really have a leg up here. You have first hand experience because you joined WA yourself.

So who are you, and why did you join?

What were you searching for when you found WA, and what triggered you to buy?

People like yourself are your market!

Regular people

College students

Work at home moms...

and dads (grandparents too)

People wanting a little extra income

People tired of bosses and their day jobs

Retired people who can't make it on Social Security

Godzilla and his mother-in-law's boyfriend

The list goes on and on, because the need for more income is universal.

So what you are going to do is write a letter to one of these people (can Godzilla read?) and tell them about how making money online is not as hard as they might think. How thousands just like them are making substantial incomes online and you know exactly where they learned!

Tell them the benefits they will receive by making money online and what an online income can do for them. Talk to them just like they are sitting at the table with you sharing a coffee or a glass of tea. Use your own words, be sincere and be honest. By doing this, you will gain their trust and they will be more receptive to the solution you are going to offer them.

Be a friend, not a salesperson.

Make your letter 500 words at least. This will come in real handy later as you will see.

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pokrfce Premium
Great stuff.
tom m Premium
Now THAT'S a friggin step by step...awesome awesome job thank you so much for your generosity and time...this is incredibly helpful....
Thank YOU,
Tom..(.and obviously gold your way)
shabtay Premium
Now THAT'S a friggin step by step...awesome awesome job thank you so much for your generosity and time...this is incredibly helpful....
Thank YOU,
Tom..(.and obviously gold your way)
klrrider Premium
Do you remember the childrens story about the Hare and the Turtle?

All Newbies, including myself even now, try to consume all this information as fast as possible and are unable to actually digest everything completely.

Slow down and take your time. Be patient and make steady progress each day. While waiting for articles to be approved don't pace the floor, rather do something constructive.

And by all means keep up with the study program here at WA.

The Best to All of You and Again... Thanks!

(now I'll crawl back in my shell...)
Moll Premium
Do you remember the childrens story about the Hare and the Turtle?

All Newbies, including myself even now, try to consume all this information as fast as possible and are unable to actually digest everything completely.

Slow down and take your time. Be patient and make steady progress each day. While waiting for articles to be approved don't pace the floor, rather do something constructive.

And by all means keep up with the study program here at WA.

The Best to All of You and Again... Thanks!

(now I'll crawl back in my shell...)