How To Monitor Your Reputation Online

There are a lot of things to think about when you're building your online business and establishing your brand. Among those things you should know is how to monitor your reputation online. Are people talking about you? If they are talking about you what are they saying?

It's important to know these things whether it's good or bad. Of course if people are saying good things about you then you will want to get involved with them and even point other people to what's being said.

If people are saying bad things then you need to be able to either defend your position or in many cases take what they are saying and learn from it. Being able to listen to negative feed back and turning it into something positive can be a real asset to you.

Let's say someone is talking bad about you because they had an unpleasant experience or they feel that you're not much of an authority in your niche. It may be hard to swallow but sometimes that kind of feed back if taken with a grain of salt can help you become better at what you do. It can also help you create a more enjoyable experience for your visitors.

This short tutorial will show you a few ways to get an idea of what's going on when your not in the room so to speak.

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Neil Little Premium
LinkedIn Signal, never heard of that before.
I have always been afraid of displaying everything about my business side of things on LinkedIn and because of that have only given out the basics.
This is something I will look into.
What do they mean by 1st and 2nd connections?
Ty Johnson Premium
On LinkedIn second connections are friends of your friends
Neil Little Premium
Thank you for the reply at least I now know what that means, plus I will look more closely into developing my business on LinkedIn.
Ty Johnson Premium
I don't really use LinkedIn much myself because i am not really dealing much with professional types but if your niche's demographic has a lot of professionals it is a really great site to leverage.

Thanks for the comment I appreciate it very much.
Neil Little Premium
I have business partners and deal with businesses on a daily basis and will look at upgrading and using LinkedIn in a more professional way.
Rather than just treating it as another social media site which I assumed it was, how wrong I was.
Ty Johnson Premium
If you deal with business every day you will find LinkedIn to be a great way to present a professional face to your crowd. I think you'll love it.
Shawn Martin Premium
Nice job Ty. I am bookmarking this for when I have enough time to check out the tools you mentioned. Thanks!
Ty Johnson Premium
Google alerts is so easy to use it only takes about 2 min to get a few alerts going, It is by far my favorite of these tools as it's so versatile.

The other tools tho are very helpful if you use twitter or LinkedIn
Todd182 Premium
Great stuff, Thanks Ty. I am more squared away with these services now!
Ty Johnson Premium
I'm glad i could help out a bit =)
jpnetco Premium
Good one Ty, thanks, I use google alerts for several things, but never thought about using it in this manner, excellent suggestion.
Ty Johnson Premium
I use it in several different ways myself. I don't care what anyone says I love Google and it's freaking tools!

We all slam Google all the time but they really do have an amazing array of online tools and they are all free =)
christopherM Premium
Very helpful as always, Thanks Ty
Ty Johnson Premium
Thank you =) I always like to hear things like that lol
tommo1968 Premium Plus
Good advice Ty, even for a relatively newbie like me its important to see if what you are doing is getting the response you want. Having worked in retail before and knowing the power of feedback when someone got a good deal or even the negative results if someone was mistreated in any way I can see that it is better to face up to critic that hide away behind the screen and say nothing.
Ty Johnson Premium
Even if you don't directly confront someone or if they have a legit reason to complain it's all something you need to know. I love google alerts it's really the only one i use out of all of these but then I don't use LinkedIn and I have that Twitter software that I bought that does the same as those free ones.