Create a marketing plan

Sounds simple enough right,but the vast majority of affiliates and business owners do not do this vitale step. Do not be one of them. Take the time and sit down with pen and paper. Figure out your why first.

Why do you want to do this? Why do you want to be in business?

Once you have written down your why don't just put it aside. Hang it up,put it near your computer. Somewhere that you can see it DAILY!!

Believe it or not this will make a world of differrence in the long term.

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    MAXINEG Premium
    Thank you for helpful marketing info, Cav.

    Best regards,
    Cav1966 Premium
    Your welcome. Nice to see your still here.Hope life is treating you well in these times.
    Dorrie1 Premium Plus
    Great information thanks
    Cav1966 Premium
    Your welcome..I welcome any other sucess tips