I suggest your opening sentence begin with a question or a catchy phrase that will grab their attention. Maybe something like this; “I’m really fed up…” How about this; “Have you ever thought about…”?

You have 10 to 15 seconds to grab their attention. If you fail there, you’ve failed. Your blog or post is doomed to the place where all bad blogs are buried.

First choose the writing style that you are comfortable with. Most people like easy to read blogs. Short sentences, short paragraphs and easy to understand words. If you write in stilted, technical talk, only those who understand that style will appreciate it. Everyone else will move on to another site.

Know what you want to say before you start. I suggest you do a layout and a diagram of what you want to present. Keep the layout simple. Don’t make it difficult to navigate through your article. Make it flow smoothly. Write like you talk…does it sound like you?

I remember years ago I wrote a monthly newsletter for our salespeople. There was always the opening story by our CEO, who happened to be of Greek origin. His English was not bad, but he did have nuances and phrases that he used. I learned to write like he talked, which is what everyone wanted. Once my assistant wrote the newsletter in my absence.

He threw the newsletter on my desk and said, “this is not me”! Be YOU…don’t try to write like a professional writer, unless you are one.

Use common, easy to understand terms and style. Weave a story into your blog, but don’t write a book!

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Keithmanzi Premium
Yes I agree but some of us are new and we hope here at WA is a learning place where we are trained.
Joes946 Premium
Thanks. That's why we do the posts and training. Keep studying.
You'll make it.
Cath88 Premium
I agree, Joe! Whenever I see something with poor grammar/spelling, I don't consider it worth while to read.

All of us make mistakes, now and then. However, when presenting an article for the world to read, we need to be sure that it is well written. For those who feel they are not capable to produce quality content (in that respect), there are other avenues they can look at for assistance.

I normally notice mistakes, having been a legal assistant for many years. So, I hope there aren't any here, with what I've written. : )

Thank you for this post that has brought attention to this matter … in creating well-written articles for our websites!


Joes946 Premium
Thanks Cathy
I agree. So much poor writing and there is no excuse.
You feel for some of them as they are so sincere.
Cath88 Premium
Very true, Joe!

Thanks again.

LoreleiH Premium
Past that point. Speaking of...
LoreleiH Premium
For sure. It makes it very hard to get last that point for me, throws me off, trying to figure out what someone is saying.
Joes946 Premium
Thanks. We have all the tools.
POPS60 Premium
Excellent points, Joe. So many times, you see obvious spelling or grammar errors, and that can turn what would have been a great post into one people avoid. I think this is one of the main points to pay attention to when writing.
Joes946 Premium
Sad to see so many people blow a good post when we have the tools!