Honesty Pays Off

Write about products and services you use or have extensively researched. Phony reviews that just promote your affiliate links will not help you in the long run.

You want to build your reputation as an authority in your chosen niche. You do that by providing quality content and that includes honest reviews.

Make your reviews personal. Tell your audience how you use the product and how it helps you. If you don’t currently own the product or use the service, explain why you want it and how you expect to benefit. If you don’t like a product say so in a professional way.

Positive vs Negative Reviews

Most of your reviews should be positive. You are trying to subtly get people to buy these products after all.

You should include the cons along with the pros to keep your reviews honest. Just make sure the pros outweigh the cons in your positive reviews. If you can, explain how you work around any drawbacks in the product.

It is alright to throw in a negative review once in a while. It adds to your credibility and can warn your readers away from poor products.

Make sure your negative reviews are as honest as your positive ones. Don’t ever bash a good product just because it competes with one you market. Only write negative reviews about products or services you honestly believe are poor quality or even dangerous. If you trash good products, your comment section is going to be flooded by defenders of that product. You can delete or ignore those comments but, your credibility will still go right down the drain.

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VinceHuynh Premium
This is some powerful stuff , thank you!
tclough Premium
Thank you Vince. I appreciate that.
katzee Premium Plus
This was very helpful, Tom. Definitely saving this for future reference. Thanks.
suzzziq Premium
Great information to know:) I'm definitely saving this for future reference! Thank you:)
tclough Premium
Thank you Suzi. I'm glad you liked it.
fiftarina Premium
This is such a great training. I love that you mentioned about how to deal with various comments, something that we can easily overlook.
tclough Premium
Thank you Rina.

I agree. Comments are very important and something we should give careful though to.
FHagstrom Premium
Hi Tom,
Good solid information here that I'm sure will help many
Thank you for sharing
tclough Premium
Thank you for reading Forrest. I hope it does help.