So, you think this won't work with your niche because it's too specific?


Say you have a very specific niche...lets say "weight loss before my wedding", this is a very specific niche. But don't think of it as a limiter, think of it as a way to spin your articles. You can write it just like you would if you were talking about weight loss in general.

What are the common question or problems ALL people wanting to lose weight are concerned with?

"the best diet to lose weight fast"
"diet and exercise?"
"no matter what i do I can't lose weight?"
"side effects if any?"

Boil these down into questions/answers or problems. Remember, with niche research you will have a more specific list. Just write like you are talking to a woman wanting to lose weight for a wedding.

So, for a quick recap.

1. Find several questions/problems that can be answered
2. Write the the answer in three different ways.
3. Write as much as you can until you can think of no other ways to say it.
4. Submit to many different directories
5. Reap the benefits!

I hope that this tutorial has been helpful for all you bums out there!

To Your Success,


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Cherul Premium
Excellent... this looks like a break-thought for me in getting it down on paper... Very good.
carpenter Premium
Thanks for the information. This really simplifies the process for me.
All I have to do now is learn to write in a way that holds the reader's interest, I tend to get a bit boring.
skylepaul Premium
Thanks for the information. This really simplifies the process for me.
All I have to do now is learn to write in a way that holds the reader's interest, I tend to get a bit boring.
Wannaberich Premium
Thanks a ton. You actually just pointed out the obvious. It's as if we were supposed to think this way but we weren't. Thanks.
kagaranzuay Premium
Thanks a ton. You actually just pointed out the obvious. It's as if we were supposed to think this way but we weren't. Thanks.