We need our time the most, but most of us use it the worst. Instead of managing our time, it feels time wears us down.

It doesn't have to be that way. These tips will help you manage your time and increase your productivity.

Your time is valuable!

This is the single most important lesson you have to stick with. We all have a limited number of hours each day. We must cherish our time and make the best use of every minute we’ve been given.

Not only do we need to respect our time, we must ensure others respect our time too.

The purpose of time management is to free up as much of your time as possible. Try to eliminate all time wasters and focus on tasks that matter.

It takes some time to switch completely to a more productive routine. If you follow some or all of the suggestions offered here you will see an increase in your productivity in a week or so.

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BlessedB Premium
Thank you Mudre, I am beginning right now, Bless you always. Berns.
MudreM Premium
Thank you Berns. All the best.
Gr8Purpose Premium
Great reminder! Thabks for your post...
MudreM Premium
My pleasure. Thank you.
Cristina11 Premium
Thank you, very helpful! I wish you to continue to post more training in the future!
MudreM Premium
Thanks Cristina. This is my first tutorial. If you guys like it I will post another one soon.
AngelBcn Premium
Great tutorial! I like the VINE principle! I think I might need it because I have difficulties with staying focused on 1 thing at the time.
I will try to use your tips in my daily routine.
Thanks for sharing :)
MudreM Premium
Thank you Angelique!
The VINE Principle is something I crafted to explain how to easily set priorities. Actually, I should put a trademark on it.
I hope it helps.
AngelBcn Premium
haha you should! ;)
MudreM Premium
In that case I have to write a longer post dedicated to VICE only. Hmm. I may as well do it.
rodeves Premium
Thank you. Well done!
MudreM Premium
Thank you very much.
This is my first training and I hope it will be helptul to WA members.