So I am I 54 years old and am finally down to 249 lbs with 29% Body Fat which puts me in the Obese range for my weight. Now I will concur that I do need to lose some weight but having a BMI of 35 does not make me obese and I will tell you why.

According to my BMI I am 35, which is my Body Mass Index or BMI for Short. And according to the tables I am Obese, yes Obese and they believe this to be true. Are they right?, well the BMI is a measure of size based on the mass and height that applies to men and women. The only problem that I have with BMI is that it does not take into consideration the Body type of the individual which correlates the your frame and bone structure.

So they only take into considerations your height and weight which is fine for getting a trend for the whole of society but not for anyone single individuals. They do not take into account your muscle or your body type.

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Rich908 Premium
Informative ..thanks

Shaheel1 Premium
This is a good piece of information. It is quite true.
lesabre Premium
BMI is a general measurement and as you pointed out does not take into consideration your frame. By the way you are 54 years young not the other way around. Thank you for your post. I found it very informative. All the best
alisterbrede Premium
Quite agrees, BMI does not take into account muscle mass. At 249 lbs which I have to convert into kilos to understand. That is 112.9kgs, you must have quite a lot of muscle. To have any meaning we would have to know how tall you are, but.I guess you work out a lot.
Kav Premium
So if you have big bones, BMI will be inaccurate? I suppose it's still a good guide.
TommyVTE Premium
Heavy bones give only about max 1.5 kg more weight