Author winsonlim
Rank 411938

*Note: The Site Comments Platform is only for premium members who has paid US$19 for their first month membership.

Only premium members can use this plaform to earn credits by commenting on members blog posts to pay for the second month membership and domain names.

Why is Wealthy Affiliate so generous in creating Site Comments platform to help members to pay their membership and domain?

1. It helped other members to rank their blog posts on the first page of Google faster. First page ranking = Truckloads of Traffic = More Referrals = More Premium members = Recurring monthly commissions for life

2. It helped to have high quality comments for the members which Google will only favor those comments are have value and its highly related to the blog post.

3. This platform helps to get more referrals to join as premium members

So it's a win win situation for both the members and the certified commenters.

Wealthy Affiliate is not making any money by doing this Site Comments Platform and it's purely a way to convince referrals to join as premium members.

I mean how many companies actually does that so you can have free membership, free hosting, free domain, free training, free coaching and free support?

So far in my 10 years of building online businesses, I have never came across such a platform and I was quite surprised and shock that members are actually benefiting from it.

So I am introducing this Site Comments Platform so you can think and consider and decide for yourself whether to create a free starter account with Wealthy Affiliate.

Well, you still have time to think about it, considering you don't need to pay for the US$19 straightaway.

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IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Wealthy Affiliate allows you to earn membership through the comments system and by making great training videos like this one down the line as you become established. My advice is to save back a portion of the earnings from site comments to pay for premium membership by the year, allowing you to pocket over $20 a month out of the $50 earned under this plan.
GarryBrown Premium
How do you earn money leaving comments, when you leave a comment you get 1 credit which can be used for getting comments on your posts. There is no way for me to use these credits to pay for my membership. They have no cash value.
winsonlim Premium
You have to post 50 comments on the platform and get it approved to become a certified commenter first. Then after that post another 100 comments to earn 50 credits to pay for your membership. It’s tested and proven by members. In my video, I actually pointed out a team of certified commenters which you can learn from them. It takes lots of work but it’s worth it to most people.
grahamtc Premium
Hi so the full number of credits are only added when you complete the next set of 100 comments? I posted 50 comments and became a certified commenter but was never able to earn any cash credits for comments I left after that. I only kept getting the community credits. I have heard that not everyone is able to automatically start getting the cash credits. I will need to look into this some more...
davehayes Premium
Very useful Training Winson, thanks for sharing it, the newbies will be pleased with this
JKulk1 Premium
Great training Winston. Jim
DarrenNicola Premium
Hi Winson,
Very good informative video.
I had not looked into doing site comments yet but after your video, it looks like a good time to try it out.
Thanks for sharing
Darren :)
davehayes Premium
Site comments are a great way of getting traction and leverage for your websites