A great social media marketing tactic that is both great and relatively easy for anyone to do is what we call a search and respond technique on Twitter. The idea is to find users near you who are tweeting about a need your business can fulfill (search) and then let them know where they can find what they’re looking for (Respond), in real-time.

Step One: Make a list of phrases that someone who is a highly-qualified prospect might tweet. The more specific the better. For example,

A local hamburger stand, would want to include “what to eat for lunch” on their list (in order to find people tweeting that don’t know what to eat for lunch), since the term “lunch” isn’t targeted or qualified.

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VinceHuynh Premium
Nice twitter training. Thank you!
GeekHibrid Premium
Thanks! Appreciate you
JFantroy Premium
Would this method also apply to online businesses?
Kroher23 Premium
I have heard of this and now see how easy it is to do. Thanks for the info.
Ecowarrior Premium
Thank you! Very useful ideas indeed!
GeekHibrid Premium
Your welcome....thanks for viewing
Levinsay Premium
Wow nice idea thanks alot.
GeekHibrid Premium
No problem Levin