Let's Find Out Why We Should Use My History

Many times, we find pages, blogs, training, courses, questions and videos that we've just read and we need to find them again, but forget where they are!

Some may just use the WA Search Bar above and type in the title if they remember it, others may remember the name of the person who created it and search on their profile to find what they are looking for.

Well, Enter My History!

An amazing feature called My History has been created by the WA Developers and it saves a lot of time reinventing the wheel!

Now that we know Why We Use History, let's find out How To Use My History.

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Judy-B Premium
I like this very much. Did not think about what History was there for, call it a duh moment. Thank you for pointing this out. :)
TopAchiever Premium
My pleasure! Glad you could learn from the training.
krazykat Premium
Perfect! Reinventing the wheel is a whole lot of unnecessary work :-)
TopAchiever Premium
Glad you like it! It certainly does save time!
tdifranco Premium
I had the exact scenario you described went to help somebody and then could not find them again. Thanks this is good info.
TopAchiever Premium
Excellent! Training just in the nick of time! Glad you could learn from it!
Darwyn Premium
Thanks Edu, this is very helpful.
TopAchiever Premium
My pleasure Darwyn!
TanjaRita Premium
This is great! Thanks for sharing. I didn't even know this existed.
TopAchiever Premium
You are most welcome!