6. Solve Soft 404 Errors

Lots of issues can cause soft 404 errors, some of which are: misconfiguration of the HTTP server, when you have thin content pages, and when your website loads slowly.

When soft 404 errors occur, search engine crawlers will keep pages in their index and keep trying to recrawl them, and this of course is a waste of crawl budget.

The way to solve soft 404 errors is to log into Google Search Console, check the coverage error report, then click “submitted URL seems to be a soft 404”, view a list of pages that are affected, and fix them.

7. Fix Crawl Errors

Another thing that wastes crawling time is fixing crawl errors. By reducing errors from crawling time, you will increase your crawl budget. To reduce fix crawl errors, use Google Search Console “Index Coverage Report” which can easily locate and resolve crawl errors.

8. Avoid Too Many Redirects

Too many redirects can slow down the number of times Google crawls a website. When you want to solve page duplication and soft 404 issues, redirecting is your best bet. However, you should take care not to have too many redirect links.

Make sure to check your .htaccess, also ensure that all 301 redirects point to the final destination alone, and avoid unnecessary redirects like the same URL intermediate destinations.

9. Eliminate Thin Content

Pages on your website that have very little content and don’t add value to your site are called thin content. They are also called low-value pages.

When you locate and fix low-value pages, you will optimize your crawl budget by:

  • Preventing search engines from indexing LOW-VALUE PAGES
  • Enriching the content and republishing it
  • Looking for a more important page on your site to redirect search engines too
  • Eliminating thin content

10. Prevent Your Pages from Being Hacked

When your website is hacked for a period of time, and you are not aware of it, Google will reduce the frequency with which it indexes your site, because your site will be marked as insecure. This will in turn decrease your crawl budget extensively.

To prevent this from happening, make sure to observe your website regularly with an adequate security service. Another thing you can do is go to security and manual actions in Google and check for security issue reports.

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Keny44 Premium
Thanks for this Eye-opener. Its very informative.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for appreciating this tutorial, Keny! Glad you found it informative! Optimizing Crawl Budget will help boost your SEO.

Israel Olatunji
CharlesI Premium
Know i know better about how best to go about crawl budget for SEO
Great training.
Israel17 Premium
Good to know you found my SEO training helpful, Charles! Much appreciated! Optimizing Crawl Budget can help improve your site SEO.

Israel Olatunji
RosanaHart Premium Plus
I learned a lot from this training. I didn't know the expression "crawl budget" and you explained it clearly. I've recently been going through an old website of mine and taking off a lot of useless posts, which should help.
Israel17 Premium
Much excited at this good news, Rosana! Glad you found my Crawl Budget tutorial useful!

Israel Olatunji
emimos12 Premium
Well- structured training, for ranking to occur all these must be effectively done.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for reaching out all the way, emimos! Glad you found my SEO tutorial useful!

Israel Olatunji
Zveki Premium
Thank you very useful !
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for reading my SEO training, Zveki! This training will teach you how to optimize crawl budget for SEO.

Israel Olatunji