Create Master Password

After you enter your email address and click their Term and Private policy, the next thing they ask you to create the password. This password will be your Master Password to unlock your Vault. The minimum requirements of a password are:

• At least eight characters long
• Not your email
• Not easily guessable

This password is something you will have to remember or store somewhere else, because without it, you won't be able to open this tool.

Now you got the LastPass account! You will then start adding sites into your vault, and it will slowly look like this:

The blocked ones in black are the username.

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HelenpDoyle Premium
Don't forget to actually read the Terms and Policy before you click!
LeeMcQuay Premium
Definitely will do.
Thank you
Steven-A Premium
Great job Kyoko. Well written and very helpful. I have a cheat sheet and I need to update it.
Thanks for this.
Loes Premium
Thank you, I will come back later, when I have time:)
jetrbby80316 Premium
This is GREAT (and much needed!) training here Kyoko - and see the anchor text looks perfect! Great job!

Thanks for offering this wonderful training, I needed this. Bookmarked it!
Kyoko817 Premium
Thank you! And thank you for the help of the link!
jetrbby80316 Premium
Anytime my friend!
Larmu189 Premium
That's good info. Great post. Thanks for share