Wow, you just added a bunch of optimized images to your Media Library. Congrats, that's a great way to keep your site loading fast and we all know how much search engines love fast loading sites. But did you know that adding content to your images is like putting icing on a cake. It makes them look so much more appealing to search engines.

Let's start by selecting one of the images we just added. Click on an image in your Media Library. You will see this, well not exactly this it will have the image your selected.

1) Make sure the Title is what you want it to be. The title should be 4 words or less and contain your blogs keyword.

2) The Alt Text should contain your blogs main keyword in atleast one image of each blog. This helps search engines match up the image with the content being they do not see images. This is the most important part. Make sure to add Alt Text to all your images.

3) The Description is their to help understand what the image is. Search engines do not see images, by explaining what it is give them more content that can be utilize. It is also helpful for the visually impaired.

4) Alignment is used to choose where you want the image to be placed. For easier reading of your blog it is recommended to keep images to the right side of your content.

5) Link To is used If you want to link a image to another page by adding the URL. Here is a tip for you, do not upload images from Amazon and add your own link to it. This is against their terms.

6) Size allows you choose the size of the image that you need to fit in with your content.

So there you have it. You just learned how to add SEO Friendly images to your website. I recommend doing this to every image that is on your site. It will definitely help with your rankings.

I hope you found this tutorial to be helpful, If you have any questions please let me know by leaving a comment.

Have a great day and happy writing,

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Natz01 Premium
Hi Cathy, thanks for sharing.

Just one question - why do we need to do the Tiny PNG step at all? What does that process add of value, instead of just downloading the image without using it?


Catwoman1459 Premium
Thanks for asking this question, I see I left it out. I have just added it to the tutorial.
Optimizing your images will save bandwidth and loading time, helping to make your site load faster.
Natz01 Premium
Thank you!
sinwm Premium
Great training. Thanks for sharing, Cathy
Catwoman1459 Premium
You're welcome, glad you liked it! :)
ChrisShouse Premium
Awesome training, thank you :)
Catwoman1459 Premium
You're welcome!
kdimeo Premium
Hi Cathy,
Thank you for this very timely information. I was just reading about this very topic earlier today and my brain short circuited! Your explanation was very simple and easy to follow. I am going to add this to my favorites for later reference. You mentioned using a program called Tiny PNG. Is this a free service, or do you need to pay to use it? If so, how much? Thanks for your help!
Catwoman1459 Premium
I'm glad you liked this tutorial. Yes, Tiny PNG is totally free to use.
ThomasPye Premium
Thank you for sharing. Much Appreciated. I saved this.
Catwoman1459 Premium
You're welcome!