For each website it is very important to have a featured image for each post that you publish. The reason for this is that it gives the customer a visual on what that specific blog post is going to be about. Sorry about all the pictures, but I do not have a video capturing software.

This images will be visible in your blog role. Here is an example below.

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MayuriW Premium
Tinnakon Premium
Thank you for the post I will copy that.
TheOldSilly Premium
That IS helpful thanks. I wasn't even using the featured image feature - have always just grabbed an image and placed it in a post the regular way, and then to resize it you have to adjust the html code. Which I now how to do, but this is much simpler. Cool!
ar20746 Premium Plus
It's helpful. Thanks for sharing. Joze.
mrpeter Premium
Thanks for a nice, clear tutorial!