How to Make PLR Content Your Own?


Some Tips to Make the Content Yours

Typically, you will not want to use the PLR content you purchase just as it is. You will want to edit/modify it to make it read more like your written material and to ensure that the final product will pass plagiarism checkers to avoid Google penalties.

In order to do this, you will need some tools

  • A document editor like MS Word is fine and most people have the MC Office software. Much of the PLR content you download will be available in .doc or .docx file format or a .txt format.
  • Another tool you need is an image creator/editor. Adobe Photoshop works great although it is expensive. But something like the free GIMP editor will work or Paint Shop Pro which is less expensive.
  • You should make sure you save the url or place the text into a plagiarism checker. WA’s site content includes a checker, and you can also use one of the ones provided below.


Site Liner

Copyscape (there is a small fee)

Dupli Checker

(Note: I used Dupli Checker to check all the text in this tutorial and there is no plagiarism/duplicate content.)

Warning: Sometimes when running your modified content through the checkers, it can be pretty frustrating to still find too much similiar content. But be patient and keep working on it. I suggest at that point you work on small portions at a time until they successfully pass the checkers

Modifying PLR Content

Since this material is not yours, be sure to reword it to show some of your unique style. I highly recommend making significant changes to all purchased content to “rebrand” it and make it uniquely “yours”. Often very-new PLR material will pass the checker tools, however I would still recommend you change it to make it unique to you.

Content that you should be proud of has the following characteristics:

  1. It is approachable. Write as in conducting a conversation with your readers. Show understanding and that you relate to your visitor’s problems and difficulties.
  2. It is informative. The reworked content should provide value and help solve the problems of your site visitors. Give them answers and solutions, you can include recommendations and reviews.
  3. It is Reader-Friendly. Your content should be easy on the eyes, simple and easily understood. Break your paragraphs into small bites, use headlines, sub-headings and bullet points as well as “white space”

Here are my suggestion for changing the wording of the PRL to make it “yours. Modify it so that you give the words your own style. Changing the content and adding some words will turn the wording into something unique to your site.

  1. Break the content up differently. Turn it into bullet lists, callouts, and try new sentence lengths.
  2. Take specific parts of your purchased content and redo it to use on social media. Not everything needs to be 1000 words.
  3. Add some content that describe your personal experience. Here’s a chance to add a cool story to your content.
  4. You will want to change the title, the beginning sentences and the ending sentences.
  5. Add pertinent images, charts as well as infographics to the content. For sure change every image used in the PLR content
  6. Add affiliate links. Turn the content into product recommendations or reviews.
  7. Take specific “types” of purchased content” and repurpose it. Use it for press releases, ads, webinars, videos and podcasts. Create audio talks and presentations using text from PLR content. Take a purchased ebook and break it up and create many different blog posts from it.
  8. Add links to other useful information and products. Internal and external links add value as well as links to product recommendations or reviews.
  9. Take your purchased PLR content and translate it into a different language. This opens your created content up to entirely new markets and visitors.
  10. Search the PLR content to find some related paragraphs to add to another content piece. Combine parts of PLR content and use it to enhance other article creations.
  11. Use your modified PLR content to show differing opinions. Its useful to offer your readers different opinions or thoughts.
  12. Change the keywords with the PLR content from those originally inserted. This will make the content SEO different for various engines.
  13. Change the purchased content format from article to newsletter material or something else. Adding additional information found through your own personal research or knowledge allows you to utilize the PLR content for various purposes.
  14. Take several different purchased contents related to the same subject and create a report or an ebook or a tutorial. You can use this to multiply the values and uses of single articles and create bonuses and even sellable downloadable products depending on what the license allows.
  15. Create email sequences and even an etraining course with PLR content. Use this for your funnels and to sell or gift. A multi-day email course can be created by utilizing this material.
  16. Use purchased content to help create your Ads. You can surely be inspired by pieces of the purchased content.
  17. Finally, be sure and check all of your text with a plagiarism checker. I’ve enjoyed using Dupli Checker.

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GlenPalo Premium Plus
Excellent training, Shirley. Thanks for creating and sharing it.

I own the domain name Maybe I should do something with it.
Sdawson001 Premium
You can actually resell some PLR.
AffMktgRt Premium

Thanks so very much for this training.

I am using PLR products on another platform and I surely can benefit from your additional info.

Dhind1 Premium Plus
This is something I did not know about and I want to thank you for the training.
I will definitely check it out.
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you Shirley for this very helpful and useful training.

Brilliant work much appreciated

All the best to you on your journey.

Sdawson001 Premium
Thanks Jennifer, I do hope it is helpful. -Shirley
Jadatherapy Premium
You are most welcome Shirley

Yes very helpful

All the best success

Have a great day
BrendaMZ Premium Plus
Yes, yes, yes. Finally. I was looking for training on this. Thanks a ton. Saving this. I was thinking of getting PLR website in my niche and rewrite all the articles. This training is awesome. Thanks.
Sdawson001 Premium
Thanks Brenda, I have been using PLR content and I'm really liking it, much cheaper than going to Fiverr to get a copywriter to create content.
BrendaMZ Premium Plus
I keep thinking nah I shouldnt buy that website, nah, because people here look down on it says you must write your own content but my problem is I dont know what to say, the PLR content is a guide for me to get started, already did purchase a few for a few bucks and have articles already. I can tell you getting my website started is hard because of so many things I want to write and no guidance about PLR. Now you’ve given me hope that it can be done. Fantastic!
Sdawson001 Premium
I felt the same way, but I was having trouble creating enough content right out of the blue. Purchasing PLR content has been very helpful. I recently created and published 3 new posts in one day - a record for me and its because the PLR content helped me get the structure of my articles down quickly and I just modified it and adding my own research and thoughts to it. Those 3 posts were 1 shorter one and 2 pretty long ones too as far as the number of words.
BrendaMZ Premium Plus
Thats fantastic, Shirley. I am so elated that you did the training in this post otherwise I would have not known what to do with the plr articles that I have.