Collect and Save The Email Addresses...

Collect and save the email addresses of those who download your free ebooks. It is widely regarded that most people do not make a purchase on the first visit to a website.

You may need to send your message several times to make a sale!

This is the reason why you need collect the contact information of those who download your reports and ebooks. You can make follow-ups to these contacts and remind them to purchase your product or service.

This can be done with an email marketing service where you will be able to set up autoresponders!

Get the contact information of a prospect before sending them to the vendor’s website. Keep in mind that you are providing a free advertisement for the product owners.

You get paid only when you make a sale. If you send prospects directly to the vendors, chances are you will lose them and they will be gone forever!

When you have their names, you can keep sending other marketing messages to them and hopefully they will become repeat customers!

Publish an online newsletter or Ezine. It is always best to recommend a product to someone you know than to sell to a stranger. This is the purpose behind publishing your own newsletter.

This also allows you to develop a relationship based on trust with your subscribers.

This strategy is a delicate balance between providing useful information with a sales pitch.

The next page is...

Ask For Higher Than Normal Commission From Merchants...

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StepChook Premium
Great tips, Stevo! Thanks for the training.
Steve1958 Premium
No probs Steve :)
ChrisScott Premium
Thank you, Steven. I have studied and saved each one as well as have them bookmarked. Thank you for your trouble, buddy.
Steve1958 Premium
My pleasure...
I've got all yours filed away in a "TEDDY" file all of its own! :)
ChrisScott Premium
I am holding all yours under Trust and Seal. They will be treasured by the masses in the ages to come as Stevo Originals.
Steve1958 Premium
That's funny!
MKearns Premium
Also if you have greater traffic on your website Steve, it gives you greater asking power on commissions from merchants!
Steve1958 Premium
Very true Mike! :)
drjec Premium
Very good!!
Steve1958 Premium
Thanks Jim :)
cosmicradio Premium
It's true, Steve-We've got it all! Thanks for the training.
Steve1958 Premium
My pleasure Rick!