After you've compiled a list of key features and ideas, write your review.

Remember to be helpful to the reader, explaining as well as you can every thing. It's important that people find your review useful.

Also, say things as they are, don't tell them to join,buy only because you're using the product. If it has bad parts, tell them and let the people decide. Psychologically, this has the effect of making people think they're in control, and that's true.

Now, SEO it as well as you can:

Important thing about keywords: Include them in your post, but write naturally and don't make them seem forced.

1. Use keywords in the title, in the first paragraph, the last paragraph, and in every alt text of images.

2. Write a meta description containing your keyword and a brief explanation.

3. If possible, make a video, upload it to YouTube and embed it to your review, as it will help your rankings.

4. Give your honest opinion on the product. Keep it conversational and let people trust you.

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johnwnewman Premium
Great job on the tutorial and getting ranked on Google! :-)
Aless Premium
Thank you!
bsmith1222 Premium
Good job on this presentation.
Aless Premium
Thank you!
SadieChan Premium
Thank Aless, Think only if the product is not too competitive, then the chance of ranking on the front page is higher. Regards Sadie.
Aless Premium
Even if it's competitive, if you review it when it launches ( akaa not many people reviewed it), chances are you'll get ranked for it and stay there. That provided we prrovide quality reviews, not spamviews.
SadieChan Premium
Yes, think you are right, if we write a good review on the new launches product, we are likely to rank on the front page. Thanks Sadie
Aless Premium
You are welcome, I wish you all the success with your business.
Ultimateless Premium
This looks fascinating Aless....I've earmarked this for later!
Aless Premium
Thank you! I'm glad I can help people!