Even though it is easier to set goals than it is to achieve them, we often miss hitting our goals straight from the time of setting them. Let me explain.

Our goal settings are sometimes not informed by actual data or information, but on what we hope to one day be or do. This leads to missing the target straight from the word 'go' because our expectation rarely equates established facts.

Professional Athlete Discipline

For instance, if it takes a professional marathon athlete about 10 months running each morning for about 2.5 hours (I've witnessed some of this in our country's highlands) to prepare for a one day Olympics event, why should it take anyone else any less effort over any shorter period of time to break the same record?

And if this professional marathoner would go admiring vegetation, trees, and saying "hi" to old friends at the shopping center as he passes by them, would he/she ever make to break any world record? I do not think so.

Distractions Cast Focus Away

Distractions would never allow that to happen. Neither will they in your quest for online business success.

The following are actionable steps that systematically get rid of distractions like emails, unrelated phone calls, unnecessary browsing, attending others' urgent needs, among others, and that help us focus on our personal "Record-Breaking Goals"- just like the one of the athlete we talked earlier about.

Let's see how...

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