After creating our Youtube Video, one of those places we want to house these lovely videos is on our website and other social media channels. Embedding youtube videos in WordPress used to be a lot challenging in the past. But as WordPress continues to improve, it became easy.

With the release of WordPress 2.9, it has become easier to embed videos, images, tweets and other content on WordPress. Now you don’t need to think of coding or creating any HTML tags. You can easily place your Youtube link in the middle of your content, and your video is automatically embedded.

But you will want to stand out of the crowd. You want to create galleries or insert your entire youtube page. Before we look at plugins that can help you add some functionalities to your video, below are some reasons why you will want to use this plugin.

  1. They help avoid videos slowing your website
  2. They offer settings to adjust the colour, size and the general look of your website
  3. They offer social media buttons to encourage others to share your video
  4. They help improve privacy and consent options for embedded videos on your website
  5. They offer nice looking galleries and gives you the liberty to customize them as you deem fit
  6. They help you create an animation effect of diverse degrees when users hover on your video

Let us see some of these plugins

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richardgb Premium
Hi Owoeye
Very useful info. Thank you.
Parameter Premium

Thank you Rich. I am glad you found it resourceful

olieben Premium
nice post but from my experiences embedding videos still have an impact on your site, as opposed to using HTML

Parameter Premium
I quite agree with you, best practise many times is testing out what works best for you

thelungdoc Premium
Great information and thanks for sharing. It can be frustrating to get an embedded video to look right, be sized correctly, and to work!

Often, a plugin is an answer!

Parameter Premium

You are on point Dave, I appreaciate time taken to see the post.

maray07611 Premium
Great info thanks for sharing
Parameter Premium
Thank you Ray,

I am glad you found it engaging.
