We use links to promote the ranking of our web pages on SERPs. Links can affect the performance of our pages positively or negatively.

Good links can promote your site on search engine results pages. Bad links, on the other hand, can get your site into problems with Google.

Google search encourages links that come from quality content. But how do you go about getting the right links that will rank your site higher?

When using links for SEOs, you need to run a backlink analysis on sites you’d like to link from. Having links from credible sites improves the ranking of your site on search engines.

Before you link up with other sites, you should follow specific strategies to run a backlink analysis in order to ensure that you aren’t linked to wrong or irrelevant sites.

There are several tools that can be used for running a backlink audit. The analysis is to show you keywords, links, and authority on sites that you wish to link to.

Some of these tools are:

Ahrefs: You can use this analytical tool to find out what your competitors are up to. You can use it to check keywords and brand mentions. Ahrefs Site Explorer can help you investigate any site you may wish to get linked to.

SEMRush: This tool can help check the organic keywords and paid ad keywords of your competitors. It will also bring up similar sites in your niche where you can get good links.

It is a tool you can use for broad SEO and content marketing

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JulietAA Premium
Thank you Israel
Stay safe!
Israel17 Premium
Thank you, Juliet! I appreciate and wish you a successful DA building! Meet you at the top soonest!

Israel Olatunji
eimba Premium
Great post, thank you for sharing. Stay safe.
Israel17 Premium
Much appreciated, Augustine! Thanks for reading this post! Good to see you disavow those toxic links off your site! Getting a boost in DA is guaranteed.

Israel Olatunji
BSandlin1 Premium
Great information especially when I start to add links to my site content. Thanks for sharing.
Israel17 Premium
You're most welcome, BSandlin1! Note that as you keep creating content, sites can naturally link to your web pages to read your content and, in the process, you could get links that are toxic and won't let you boost your Domain Authority. So, try finding out those links from Google Search Console (GSC) and disavow them to appease Google.

Israel Olatunji
Claudiojuan Premium
External and internal links contribute to improving our position in Google. After reading your tutorial I have more clarity on how to find out more about them.
Thank you very much Israel.
Israel17 Premium
Excellent, my friend, Claudio! It pays more to build internal links than external links. We should rather keep creating great content to attract high-quality inbound links. We can achieve that naturally as we produce quality and helpful content. Thanks for contributing!

Israel Olatunji