Each platform has unique characteristics and analysis, so I want to make you aware of this great tool for YouTube SEO research; TubeBuddy.

VidIQ is another YouTube SEO keyword research tool; however, I have a pro license for TubeBuddy and like it better. Even then, the results we see for this would also be seen with the free account. The free account limits the results to 3 items.

Here is what TubeBuddy says about our choice:

So, 57/100 isn't bad, actually. And you see the "Common Video Tags" and they are used way too much to be any good for our purposes.

This confirms that the name I have chosen for my common URL will be good.

Next, we will go through the steps to get you from your YouTube channel page to where you can make the changes. Even the YouTube instructions are a little outdated.

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IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Now to promote my channel more and get the 100 subscribers. My personal channel has them but my brand channel is just starting out. Every WA member though has a spot to add profile URLs including several of your blogs and your social media profiles. Be sure to link in your YouTube so we can follow you when we are on your page.
Wallerdog Premium
I've taken one channel out and put the newest one in. Thanks for reminding me, Andy!
Twack Premium
Thanks for this Les, all I need to do now is build that following. It's actually quite a good incentive, especially if you're keen to spread your 'brand'.
Wallerdog Premium
My pleasure! Anytime I'm doing something for my channel that even seems like it might be a little challenging I try to record it. If you need a push with comments, likes, subs head over to and we'll give you a nudge!
Twack Premium
Well, I might just mosey on over there, thanks Les.
Wallerdog Premium
Great, looking forward to seeing watcha got!