Author FranCallado
Rank 231264

How would you like to get some extra traffic from Pinterest?

If you understand exactly what Pinterest users are looking for and interested in, you can create an amazing Pin to drive some extra traffic from Pinterest.

In this video I explain exactly how to create an engaging Pin with Canva for a Google optimized post so you can get traffic from both places.

This is following a question posted by Fran about how to create pins in Canva. I hope this helps you Fran, and others who are having troubles creating their Pins.

It's not a great video, nor has it been edited and for that I'm sorry, but I believe it might help a few people nonetheless.

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Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you for sharing this interesting and helpful training.

I have learned a lot and feel more confident in creating Pinterest pins in canva

Have a great week

FranCallado Premium
Hey Jennifer, thanks for your feedback. I'm really glad it helped!
Jadatherapy Premium
You are most welcome and thank you for sharing. You have helped me a lot.

All the very best success here at Wealthy Affiliate

Have a great day

FranCallado Premium
That's how we grow. I've learned a lot from your content in the past.

I made this one in a rush to help Fran, it could be much shorter and to the point, but that's what I managed with the time I had.

All the best!
Jadatherapy Premium
You helped me in becoming more creative with Canva and using the Pinterest template which I had not thought about.

I thank you for that.

It was very helpful and I am sure that it will help others also.

FranCallado Premium
I hope so, Jennifer. That's why it's here. Thanks!
Jadatherapy Premium
Your welcome

Have a great day
