We have reviewed several basic factoids about the internet and formulated 7 questions to ask oneself when choosing a niche. You are now ready to choose your niche. You will be selecting an excellent foundation upon which to build your business and financial security. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.

If you have any questions or comments please send me an email. I will answer you promptly.

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Larry_T Premium
Cool tutorial.
videre Premium
Ty Larry...I used a similar technique when I was in practice and people would ask me how to choose a career:)
Maxiam59 Premium
wow you really helped to understand this all the best
videre Premium
Ty...I hope it was helpful.
Geoff-n-Jane Premium
That's good - like the elimination process to find your best niche.
videre Premium
Great analogy...like an elinination diet:)
videre Premium
Ty David...your comments are much appreciated.
Lazyblogger Premium
Great direction on building your business Jeff. Thanks. Question 7 is key, which I think a lot of people fail to grasp. A lot of us is blogging but are not asking for the sale.

I see a lot of blog just asking for opinion and some just giving pure strong advice. Monetizing your niche is key to having success online. Thanks for that tip Jeff. Just my two cents on this.