"There are riches in niches.....find yours and light it up!" Anonymous.

How do I choose a niche/blog topic? Help,I need blog topic/niche ideas?Is my blog idea viable? These are all questions that I see,almost on a daily basis,here at WA.To be honest,I struggled a bit with finding my blog topic/niche but after a bit of research plus a few sleepless nights,I finally figured it out.I want to spare you the same agony!

Let me start off by saying that,based on my research,not all blog topics are marketable.It is also important to note that some are more successful than others.I totally agree that you should choose something that you love,a hobby perhaps,but there is much more to consider.We have people who have chosen niches/blog topics based on this alone but no success.

It can be quite demotivating to choose a niche/blog topic,follow all the blogging rules that you are supposed to,create quality content but see little or no results.Sometimes it has nothing to do with your skills-may be you chose a niche/blog topic that is not viable.So,before you give up on blogging-which unfortunately many people do-lets go through this tutorial for GREAT tips to help you choose a niche/blog topic that will be successful.

OK,lets get started!

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Ivileivine Premium
I am so glad I ventured here. Thank you for this info!
4leaders Premium
Good info. Thanks for sharing. I am a person that has pages of ideas because I write everything down. I think its about using your imagination from there.
mariasketch Premium
Hi!Glad you found this helpful.It's great that you write your ideas down-now all you have to do is sift through them.Wishing you all the best. :) :)
Mac01 Premium
Great training, Maria. It's important to do the research in advance so that our blogs will be made successful. Thanks for the info, liked and liked!
mariasketch Premium
Hi Mac!Thanks a lot.Glad you liked the info...
Mac01 Premium
Good stuff :)