
This is the staying power in something you feel is a worthy cause. It is true this may come with unpleasant ordeals. Such is true for trying to reduce one's weight. Though the process is unpleasant, the end results are the reward. This is why it is very important that, if you have an interest in improving your figure, you will have to endure the process. This is diligence. Many, many New Year's resolutions fail right here.

The antidote to failure on this point is to keep your eye on the goal and not get caught up in the process. It may be cold and rainy, but the diligent athlete makes his/her way out the door, far from comfort and trains anyway.

Diligence is not always easy, and I can write this. It is easier said than done, but discipline comes hand in hand with diligence. In my own experience, this is where I myself, fail most often. Knowing something and doing it are two different things. To know it and not do it results in wishful thinking and regret. This is what we know as procrastination.


This is the "courage" element in the thing you may be attempting. Most things that lie beyond the realm of the average Joe have some sort of elements in it that require a backbone, courage, fearlessness, hence tenacity. Publishing that first article takes a bit of tenacity.

Building a business in spite of pressure from coworkers, authority figures, and society itself requires intensive tenacity. If you are a faint-at-heart sort of person, you will probably have difficulty in this area. It is however, a learned behavior, so you can overcome if you have enough passion for the thing you are trying to acquire.

I suggest to you that, the one greatest thing you will face when trying to travers your journey to the goal you've envisioned, is none other than conformity. You will need to resist the urge to NOT climb out of the can of Kohike crabs that keep trying to pull you down into the can with them. You will get this in on the job, with the family and with other authorities. Conformity is perfectly fine, as long as you don't conform to the wrong group! In most cases, people conform to the masses, which is a HUGE mistake!

In a business like online marketing, the encounter of naysayers is very common. When in the workplace, it is best to keep your training and business to yourself. As an aspiring entrepreneur/online business owner, you will face people who do not understand what you are doing. Don't awaken the sleeping giant. Let him be and proceed. This is GREAT advice given by many Internet marketing pioneers, such as Mark Joyner in his famous book, Mind Control Marketing


Akin to diligence, consistency is the act of being regular in pursuit to what it is you are trying to do. In other words, to successfully build a business, you must work on it daily, or as close to this as possible.

This is taught here at WA and the Boot Camp is a great example of this. Whilst you are not required to finish a boot camp "on time" it is encouraged. Many of us do get behind on things. If this happens, endeavor yourself to remain diligent in it and remain regular in your "doses."

You have probably heard of the famous question, "How do you eat an elephant?"

One bite at a time.

Now, let's look at one more facet of the quotation above.

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Teacup108 Premium Plus
The only way to truly fail is to quit. If you are still working on your goal you have at least a measure of success. Look back at where you were a year ago. Has your knowledge or skills increased? If so then you are successful. Are you continuing to build upon your knowledge and skills? If so, you are successful. Making consistent sales is a goal that you will eventually achieve if you continue to work on your goal. Some hit their goal sooner than others. Compare yourself to no one but yourself. No one else has the same strengths, weaknesses, trials, troubles, successes or failures. You are unique. Enjoyed your tutorial.
I often wonder why I came back for another year, based on my performance so far. What you say is exactly why I stayed in. I simply do NOT want to give up.

We learn from what we teach. I had to look up all the information I presented above. This will be connected to my campaign for sure. I wrote it for three reasons...

1) I needed it.
2) Others need it.
3) I know I will learn from it. (and I know others will too as they do ask these questions)
jespinola Premium
Great Training Daniel :)
Thanks Jorge :)
jespinola Premium
Ronan-Mark Premium
Great tutorial Daniel. I am in a place where I try not to think about success anymore. I'm at the "just do it" stage and keeping "doing it" until the money comes in. I'm focusing purely on the journey - being persistent and consistent as much as possible. One day I will wake up with a ton of sales & realize hey all that effort has made me a success. Once again congrats on a great tutorial!
In the case of the process (or the journey) this is where the "just do it" comes in. Else, your focus needs to be on the goal ahead, not the journey. It is true you need to exercise what's in the process to attain the goal, your eye should be ever on that goal.
LOL! I was wondering why nobody was responding to this tutorial. I forgot to publish it!
jeff2011 Premium
Well done on your post. It's well thought out and I agree with it all. It reminds me of the persistence quote which I read a lot:

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.

Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated failures. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

Calvin Coolidge
firstburn Premium
Yeah I agree with you Jeff. i learnt this from my persistence with mathematics
I put this here because I need the lessons myself. Calvin Coolidge was very correct. This is why we have so many folks out there with talent and who hold college degrees who are waiting tables, cleaning bathrooms and flipping burgers. Even worse, there are folks out there with these credentials on the STREET holding "Will Work for My Meals" signs! I know. Tampa is full of this! It is now the number one city for homelessness, of which I myself have joined ranks several times since I became a member here.

It was time to put this up. Again, it's for everyone, but it's for me too.
firstburn Premium
Hello Dan.
it seems like you found your motivation again, I guess it's time to move on. and the best way is to begin again and again.