3. Avoid Buying Links

    If you have been in the industry for some while, you know that buying links will earn you Google's penalties. Of course, you might want to argue that others are doing it, but there will be no mercy from the big "G" if you get caught.

    Some black hat SEO companies will claim their links are superior or have a way around it. It is better to err on the path of caution.

    4. Stay away from Hiding Content.

      Some marketers are in the habit of hiding content to help rank their articles. For example, black SEO marketers will make their text the same as their background colour. They do this to help the ranking of their content on the search engine result page.

      Google frowns at such practice; they love transparency. However, they dislike it when you hide content to deceive both the search engine and users.

      5. Avoid Over-populating your web page with Ads.

        Your website content is meant for users and not search engines. Avoid overpopulating your website with ads that makes reading your content difficult. When your website content is challenging to read, it becomes offensive to your users.

        Google's top-heavy update was released in 2012; its essence was to address overloaded websites with ads.

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        Recent messages
        Israel17 Premium
        Yes, Google hates any form of black hat strategy such as buying links with the sole intention to build backlinks, or spinning articles. Thanks for the awesome resource, Ayodeji! Keep it coming!

        Israel Olatunji
        Parameter Premium
        Yes Israel,

        Buying links is one of those practise Google frowns at. With quality content, we can always get others to reference our content.

        Claudiojuan Premium
        Many thanks Owoeye excellent tutorial!
        Parameter Premium

        You are welcome Claudio,

        I am glad you found this interesting

        AndyN1 Premium
        Excellent advice Ayodeji! As always!
        Best regards
        Parameter Premium
        Thank you Andy,

        Continue to stay safe

        CPapin Premium
        Thanks for sharing. Fortunately, I do not have practices to be penalized by google, but it is good to know in which cases you can be penalized. Stay safe and healthy. Carmen.
        Parameter Premium
        That is great Carmen,

        If you follow the rules of the game as preached here, you can be sure to create great content and ride above Google's penalties

        Feochadan Premium Plus
        Good reminders! Thank you!
        Parameter Premium

        You are welcome Darlene.

        I am glad you found it resourceful
