When you're getting started it can be a bit overwhelming. There is so much to learn and there are lots of unfamiliar terms that you come across. So you want to ask question.

What is affiliate marketing?

What is SEO?

How do I do...?

There are many ways to find out the solution to your problem so I've included some of them here.

First look in the Lessons you've been completing to see if you can find the answer there. Just click on Training in the column on the left for easy navigation.

If it's not clear from the lesson itself then read the comments underneath. Chances are that someone else has already asked the same question and it's been answered in the comments section.

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boucherda Premium Plus
Excellent! How often do we forget to do this?
MarionBlack Premium
Thank you David. Sometimes we need a little reminder.
mrpeter Premium
Very useful, sensible advice. Thanks Marion!
MarionBlack Premium
Thanks for your kind comment.
JoeMag23 Premium
Ooops, guess i should've kept reading. lol
MarionBlack Premium
lol :-D
JoeMag23 Premium
Wouldn't it pull up all the lessons for that subject right away if you put your question in the search bar at the top?
MarionBlack Premium
Yup! Well mostly...
Shawn Martin Premium
Very helpful Marion, nice work!
MarionBlack Premium
Thanks Shawn. I'm looking forward to your next Training module. ;-)