Author JohnJStanley
Rank 13366

So you've created your blog and are working hard on creating new content. How is your traffic going? Are your new posts "hitting the mark" and bringing you more traffic?
What about your existing and older posts? What's happening with them?

Instead of creating more and more content which can be hit or miss, why not update your existing content?

But, there's a small "problem"....As your site grows, how do you even know what is happening with your old content, is it still bringing you traffic? or is it sliding down the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)?

So, I've decided to create this short video tutorial where I will show you how easy is to revive your older posts by using data straight from Google to improve your existing posts and bring you more traffic.

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mcb247 Premium
Thanks John. I have tagged for sharing and revisiting as my blog builds
JohnJStanley Premium
Thanks. I recommend starting with the posts that ARE getting seen by Google, so start with your better posts (as per the video) and they'll do even better. You'll get less return for effort from middle of the road posts. This is where you use Google Search Console which is the very data Google provides to your advantage
mcb247 Premium
Thanks for your help John my site is getting very little traffic so far as it's new and in the make money niche. I will take a look and tweek any posts I can...

Is there a time limit of the post being live before you make changes?
JohnJStanley Premium
Hi Martin, No time limit as such but its all driven from your data from Google Search Console. It won't happen overnight. Ordinarily you'd wait a few months to allow the full data from Google impressions to flow through to make a proper assessment of which keywords you're getting impressions for but are not included in your post that you can include e.g. add paragraphs and maintain the flow of article
mcb247 Premium
Ok thanks
bushrash Premium
Very helpful training John, thanks for sharing with us.
JohnJStanley Premium
Thank you! Glad you like it.
Freisia Premium
Love this Thank you, and your voice is so easy to listen to.
JohnJStanley Premium
Thanks Freisia,
It's my first training so I appreciate the encouragement. I have a few more ideas to share.
Hope you have success too with updating your content!
BorisRoman Premium Plus
Great information!

Thanks a lot for the training!

Wish you great success!

JohnJStanley Premium
Thanks Bob,
It's my first training so I appreciate the encouragement.
Hope you have success too with updating your content!
BarryAA Premium Plus
Great article

JohnJStanley Premium
Thanks Barry, I'm glad you liked it.
I'd recently put this into action on a post of mine for good results. Hope you have success with it too. John