Quora is an online social platform where you can ask questions and get responses from those who know the right answers.

Your question may be personal, related to business, educational, or technical, and there will always be someone knowledgeable and experienced in that area to answer your question.

Quora has a good number of people on their platform who have the experience to share on different aspects of life. There are no special criteria needed to join the platform.

Sometimes, you will find great and interesting answers to your questions and at other times, you might find some spam answers. You too can answer questions on Quora if you can relate well to any question being asked.

Many members on Quora have their blogs and websites, and Quora has served as a great source of getting traffic to them. Interestingly, you can get very high-quality traffic from Quora and you may find them spending as much as five minutes taking in the content of your blog page.

Most of them will even take any action required of them on your page. Another interesting thing is the fact that they do not take down your answers after a few days but the answers can remain even after several years.

As you help people with informative and enlightening answers, your profile keeps getting boosted and you can gradually become an authority in your niche. Let’s take a look at some ways you can get traffic to your niche using Quora.

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davehayes Premium
QUORA is an excellent resource for traffic. Your training highlighted how good it can be. You can also link your Facebook and twitter profiles to QUORA as well so that when you submit an answer it gets posted to both Facebook and Twitter.

I have it set up so that notifications come to my inbox with Gmail

With Twitter depending on how good your answer is it can get shared virally as well
Caruana Premium
Good to know. Thank you for sharing Dave.
Imageguy55 Premium Plus
You can provide a link to your website on Quora.
And it’s free to join?
Caruana Premium
Thanks Israel, this is very helpful. Marisa
Israel17 Premium
Glad you found my Quora marketing tutorial helpful, Marisa! Much excited! Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
YvonneBray Premium
I like this training Israel. I must admit I haven't had much to do with quora. Thank you so much
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for liking my Quora marketing training, Bray! Much appreciated! See you progress with your Quora marketing campaign soonest!

Israel Olatunji
YvonneBray Premium
Thanks Israel, I hope to try it out today
Israel17 Premium
Please do, Bray. And you'll thank me for the results in no time.