• Your reputation is on the line with every review you write! I'm not saying this to scare anyone off, but it's true.
  • Don't jump on ClickBank, grab a product that looks appealing to you and throw up a hastily-written discourse what you think you know about it. You may be way off and this will translate to you looking like a fool in front of an audience full of people who do know what's in the product.
  • On the same line, don't pick just any product! Research it. What are others saying about it? What are the stats on it (if provided by the processor?) What about the refund rate?
  • Don't jump to conclusions about a product based on promotion alone. Whilst the promotion does tell a lot about a product, it can also be very misleading and throw YOU off as well! Refer to the example shown earlier.
  • Don't EVER misrepresent the product you are promoting! That will come back on you and even worse, the person who created the program in the first place. You will not only ruin you reputation, you will maim the author/creator's as well!
  • Don't tell your audience that you've used this product when you haven't even seen it in real life! If, for example, I've found a product, I will put into the review, "What Other Customers Are Saying About 'X' Product." I tell them what I've found in the advertising (whether good or bad) and use these as leverage points. Telling others in the review that you've been into it when you've not been is dishonest and it usually shows. If your audience finds you've lied, you will lose that audience forever, not to mention you might get flamed online, which is the WORST place to have that happen.
  • Don't rely on all sources! Some of these are faulty and even downright misleading and misinformative. There are probably more bogus sources than there are sound ones. Take the time it requires to get the facts! Sometimes this takes a bit of detective work.


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thriver Premium
Thanks Daniel. Good training. Pam
You are very welcome Pam :)
coolcity Premium
Good stuff. Digital products are something I have considered for a while. I may take a closer look now.
It's even better to have a mix. Right now that's all I'm doing, but I really need to beef up other means of online marketing, physical products, product creation and promotion of these and local marketing. I've touched on these, but need to give them a try again.
coolcity Premium
That makes sense. I plan to have a look at Clickbank and some of the others to see if there are any products that compliment what I am selling, although that is going to be some time away yet. I am building a large authority type site so the more stuff I have on there the better it should prove for ranking purposes.
Melanie1508 Premium
Thank you Daniel. :)
Thanks Melanie :) I hope you enjoyed it and was helpful to you.
DBSTAR Premium
Helpful, but how do you promote digital foodstuff?
cybridge Premium
Nice! It really helps too. Thanks for sharing.