Hello WA,

Please bare with me in this tutorial, this is my first one. So I have been with WA for 5 months and I have noticed on more than one occasion that people can't seem to find the contributor link page on their Google plus profile.

I have helped a few people find it, but I thought I should do a training on this. So here we go. Please click the next button to get going.

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bjdluna Premium Plus
This was really helpful to me. I'm still unsure of what to do in Google+ but it seems like a great place to post stuff to get noticed by Google!
Thanks very much I wasn't even aware of this at all!
bmontes Premium
There is some training on how to G+. Im still learning how to get traffic, but I suggest doing it. The more traffic the better.
AuthorBB Premium
Good Job! Very clear and easy to follow - perfect for us newbies :o)
AuthorBB Premium
Good Job! Very clear and easy to follow - perfect for us newbies :o)
bmontes Premium
Thank you very much.
ebiznewbie Premium
Great info! Good job!