One of the older strategies for getting the keyword noticed was to use the same word multiple times on a page, the problem with this approach is that it isn’t easy for the reader to follow.

However search engines are more sophisticated now, they recognise related keywords so a post about Older Horses could also use words such as elderly equine, older mare, retired ponies.

Using alternative phrases for your keyword tells the search engines two things;

1 - your topic is definitely about this subject (older horses)

2 - You know the language and alternative phrases so you must be an authority on the topic

In addition alternative phrases allow you to capture a broader search query, so all of the following could be ranked for;

How do I manage my elderly equine?

What do I need to do for my older horse?

How do I look after my elderly pony?

Finally your aim is readability and being recognised as an authority. Therefore you need to convince your readers that you know your subject matter and are familiar with the main phrases associated with this particular niche area.

By writing for the reader you actually increase your authority and SEO value.

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kiliwia62 Premium
Very useful Marie, thank you.
Reading your training actually made it clear to me that Google now will take the whole content (post, article) into consideration, and this in my opinion is good.
I have to admit, just focusing on keywords etc. was somehow a bit boring to me. I guess Google must have seen it the same way. LOL
MHainsworth Premium
I know what you mean!! If you think of keywords as a way to help Google file your post correctly it makes more sense. Obviously Google will eventually double check and will look for other signs as well.

Keywords are also useful for ourselves to help design content and see what topics are popular within our niche so it's good to embrace them, but I think sometimes people get a little too hung up on placing and ranking.
kiliwia62 Premium
Exactly, and this always made me feel uneasy. I am not that of computer savvy and also not interested in all the SEO etc. stull. I know it is somehow important too and eventually in the future I am getting better with it.
However, my focus is totally on content regarding my niche and this is where I am good at.
viosecrets Premium
Thank you Marie, for very helpful information on Keywords which has been a challenge for me!
verna8767 Premium
Thanks Marie. You have clarified things for me, Keywords are a struggle for me so I look for all information I can gather for better understanding,
MHainsworth Premium
No problem if there is anything else just ask, even in the comments section here. It doesn't help when search engines keep changing the rules either!!
verna8767 Premium
You just said a mouth full!! It's really hard to keep up with what's new because it changes so much and so fast. You can't learn one thing before google is changing it again!
Sheila50 Premium
Great job Marie,
You training was straight to the point and very clear. I appreciate this training and it has given me more insight to Metadata descriptions too.
Thank again,
MHainsworth Premium
Hi Shelia thanks for commenting, great to hear it helped and good luck using the info.
terrberr Premium
Hi Marie;
Very good job of guiding us through Google's newer ways here - thank you.
I so appreciate being in the know about what search engines like the big G are thinking!
I also like your approach and advice to work together with the search engines, and make the readers' experience a pleasant one:)
MHainsworth Premium
Hi Terry thanks for commenting, I appreciate the feedback and glad you found it useful. Marie