Author TJ Books
Rank 33389
  1. Look before you leap! Sit back and think about how you want to feel at the end of your work session.

2. Spend a few minutes in meditation to clear the cobwebs out of your brain and to direct you to the day ahead.

3. Spend a short period hyping yourself up for the day's work. Get excited about what you are going to do. Your excitement will show up at your work.

4. Write down your main objective to accomplish with your business. Make sure you're on the right trail.

5. Write (sorry for typo in video) down the one most important TASK that you want to accomplish. If you think you will have time for one or two other tasks, then write them down too.

6. My boss once told me that he never got into trouble doing one thing at a time. Stick with the task at hand and don't let other task intefer.

7. Minimize interuptions by choosing work place and times that you have control of. That may be early in the morning or late at night. Put a short ring cycle on your telephone that puts the color on voicemail where you tell them you will call them back.

8. Delegate tasks that can save you time and money. Why spend one hour making a banner when you can have one made on fiverr for five dollars? (no slide)

9. When you get bogged down, take a break. Take the dog for a walk or do jumping jacks.

10. Get rid of bad habits that hinder you in your work. Costly habits take from your profits.

11/ At the end of the day, take a few minutes to prepare for the next day by writing down several goals or task that you want to accomplish.

12. Give yourself a pat on the back!


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TheBuilder Premium
Wonderful, I love this one too.
I would also like to share it on my site. What do you think?
Boothe Premium
Sounds like a good idea t me!
Zarina Premium Plus
Totally agree!
TJ Books Premium
Thank you, Zarina!
WillingToTry Premium
Good common sense!

Thank you John. I also enjoyed the energizing "get up and go" music!

Kind regards,
TJ Books Premium
Weird music, Arthur. lol
WillingToTry Premium
Thanks John,
weird, but had a certain wake up quality…… lol!
TJ Books Premium
Dfoxmd1215 Premium
Excellent tips. David
TJ Books Premium
Thank you, David.
vicki13 Premium
Thanks John!
TJ Books Premium
You're welcome, Vicki!
allisonhites Premium
I love this, John. Very positive and inspiring. Thanks for creating and sharing this video : )
TJ Books Premium
You're welcome, Allison!