Here is the information for this video. Social Media Facebook traffic Part 1
1 to 3 post a day
A question
An image with a quote
A share of another post
A lifestyle post
Once every 2 day post a lifestyle post. For instance, if you arepromoting Wealthy Affiliate you might post,
“I am sure learning a lot about WordPress in this new course Iam taking.”
“With this new training I am going through I built my firstwebsite.”
“Today the course I am taking finally explained how to usekeywords to get traffic to my site.”
Use you imagination to get them interested so they respond toyou.
No link just something to catch their interest. Make sure yourespond with a Private Message with your link to everyone who ask you what youare doing.
Due to the size of video that can be uploaded I cannot make these long videos so much of it will be a piece at a time.
Watch for Part 2 tomorrow.
Onward and Upward