Author Glen B
Rank 1205

There are many great features right here inside of Wealthy Affiliate. Many aren't well documented but are really important to our sites speed and ranking.

SitePlus+ is one of the many options offered to Premium Members that in my opinion is a must have to ensure your site is always ranked and gets top rankings.

- Glen B

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kpercival55 Premium
Thanks Glen!
As always very pertinent information.
Glen B Premium
You're Welcome Kyle Ann!

- Glen B
CandP Premium
Thank you, Glen, for taking the time to do this tutorial. We save everything you write so we can implement.
Colette and Philip
Glen B Premium
Thank You Colette and Philip,

I'm glad I can be of service!

- Glen B
Jenbloom Premium
Very helpful. Thank you.
Glen B Premium
My Pleasure JenBloom!

- Glen B
lesabre Premium
Thank you Glen for sharing that knowledge. I use Opera as my browser but just read something about google working mainly with chrome. I do not like chrome. I do use perhaps too many images on my site. My site speed is very low 67 and 59 average. I have all your suggestions implemented. Does the theme, have a significant role in site speed. About the video, I do not know if it my system but the sound was intermittent. It was great and appreciated.
Glen B Premium
Lesabre, If you have a lot of images image size can slow your site. There are plugins to help you with image size. Many images can be optimized and made smaller so they load faster.

SitePlus+ Site Speed will also help with this because it caches your pages. You wouldn't notice any difference on the first visit but on other visits after the speed will speed up because the pages are actually stored locally in a cache which allows them to load faster.

Jerry Huang has a great training on speeding your site and talks about images. Hope this helps,
- Glen B
Bibian2 Premium
i really enjoyed every piece of your training

Glen B Premium
Thanks So Much Bibian!

- Glen B