How to get the best out of Guest blogging

Having read about guest blogging, its advantages, and the don’ts, it all sounds very simple. But it goes beyond that, below are sets of activities that if followed will help build free website traffic from guest blogging.

  1. Research on Blogs that accept Guest Blogging in your Niche

    Finding authority websites that will accept guest posting is the first part of the journey. You can surf the net, and your keyword should contain your niche name eg “poultry farming” and a phrase like “submit post”, “guest blogging”, “guest post”.

    For the sake of follow up, you can use an excel spreadsheet to take down the website's names, contact details, and the volume of traffic. The volume of traffic being enjoyed by the host site can be estimated online.

    2. Select the website with the highest Authority

      A website whose traffic is not better than yours will do you no good. The sole aim of guest posting is to access a website with a large audience; you have the responsibility to ensure your host has good traffic, a large audience, and it is of a good reputation.

      3. Select relevant Topic

      To stand out from the crowd of bloggers waiting to guest post, you must select a relevant topic within the market. Avoid over-saturated topics, search for relevant topics that can show the reasons why you are the best to handle such topics

      4. Offer Quality Content

      You must be prepared to deliver quality content when you submit a piece, and it must be well structured and properly written.

      Your subject and headings must be relevant to the website you are writing on, avoid spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Use content editors like Grammarly (that has free and premium versions), you can take advantage of it for the correction of spellings, punctuations, and grammar.

      Try to compare your content with another post on the website to ensure content is not out of place. Maintain your voice and writing style as a unique blogger.

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      Ginger67 Premium
      Thank you for this training! I'm checking this out for sure😊
      Parameter Premium
      You welcome Ginger67, enjoy the rest of your day
      emimos12 Premium
      I appreciate this training, getting the required traffics to achieve our online objectives is vital, and you have given a quality post that addresses it,this is a good source of traffic indeed. Keep rocking higher in 2020.
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you emimos12,

      We will rock higher and higher together.

      Blogging must be done the right way to get the right result
      Israel17 Premium
      Wow, what a helpful training, Parameter! You are obviously providing useful resources to the community which many newbie bloggers will find helpful. Guest posting is quite a proven strategy for building website traffic though many people ignorantly count it as a waste of time.

      Israel Olatunji
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you Israel Olatunji,

      I believe the community is a precious place where we must contribute to building each other via knowledge.

      Guest posting is a strong website traffic generation too. It is just like standing on the shoulder of a giant
      42Louise Premium
      I really enjoyed your post. Information that I have bookmarked as this is something I am interested in.

      Thank you, Louise
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you Louise,

      Guest posting will increase your traffic and also your income.
