
The key to becoming successful in any business, be it an online business like the one we are building here at Wealthy Affiliate, or a traditional brick and mortar business is to discover your greatness and to be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.

In this training, you will learn how to uncover what makes you great by narrowing down your inner values to one word. You will learn how to unlock your potential and find your one word that drives you, that makes you special.

Any Star Wars fans out there? A Quote from George Lucas:

I think it's very important not to do what your peers think you should do, not to what your parents think you should do, or your teachers or even your culture. Do what's inside you.

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DaveSw Premium
Really helpful tutorial Steph, great work putting this together...My work in this area was done long ago, and pretty much the mantra I have lived with since...

Many things have changed over the years, people have come into my life and have left for various reasons, but the central core of who I am has remained...

Those that have been around me have been affected always, mostly in a positive manner (I hope hehe), and as I move through life, I make a conscious effort to make this be the case...

It all goes back to making a difference, sometimes from within the system you are in, sometimes by creating the circumstance to build a disruptive leap from the way things work within the system...

I have done both (made differences within and outside systems), and it can and does work...

You will not always get the credit perhaps (especially within a system, because others want to take credit and benefit which is OK), but you have the satisfaction knowing that you did your part...

No need for affirmation and fanfare or pomp and ceremony...

Engaging the world with passion and gusto is easier and a lot more fun and exciting than otherwise. Knowing who you are at your core, what you stand for and believe and live, makes it easy to act accordingly...

It is also a lot less complicated than the person who is using a less savory set of core values to live their lives...Look at the state of politics we have now in the USA...

It goes back to these values and how they manifest themselves in the lust for power, influence, and money...Such people are using their energy to tear down systems and replacing them with...what?

It brings me back to my point...

No matter what happens around us, if we have a good idea of who we are at our core and live accordingly, we can look at things happening around us differently, and not compromise our core values, resulting in a life that is much more fulfilling and helpful to others...

Loved this tutorial!

Dave : )
GinaGo Premium
Hi Steph, It is all good, but I especially like your last point "Stop being ruled by the opinions and judgment of others. This is your life. Live it." Thank you! ~Gina
stephhill Premium Plus
Thanks Gina. I am glad you found some inspiration. How are things going so far?
GinaGo Premium
Thanks for asking. Things are going well, but not on my blog because I got overwhelmed at home with life in general and just can't get my groove back. I will keep trying. I hope all is well for you!
AGOgden Premium
Good stuff, Steph...and you DO know that Mike Kearns IS the
WA YODA!...right?...well, he's MY Yoda anyway...
stephhill Premium Plus
No...I did not know that. LOL!
Triblu Premium
Well said Steph!
stephhill Premium Plus
You're welcome.
spurway Premium Plus
thanks for sharing
stephhill Premium Plus
You're welcome.
MKearns Premium
A great training Steph. I engaged my core muscles in physical therapy this morning!
stephhill Premium Plus
I am told you are the WA Yoda....LOL!
MKearns Premium
Denying it not I am Steph!
stephhill Premium Plus
LOL! Mike Awesome You Are.....
MKearns Premium
:))! Steph.