Email Frequency Best Practices: How Often Should You Email Your Subscribers?

Small businesses often ask this question when they get their digital marketing off the ground. As far as email frequency is concerned, it all depends on your objectives, products, services, or your business needs.

But don't worry. These are some suggestions to help answer the question "How often should you mail a newsletter?"

Sometimes, the measure that you have already established might be good enough. Before you dive into building your email campaigns, make sure to take a look at some authority blogs' email solutions. Also, assess how often your readers are receiving emails from you now.

If you’re new to this or have never done it before, chances are your subscribers don’t know what they should expect. This is your chance to establish expectations that are mutually beneficial for both you and your recipients.

If you have created a few email marketing campaigns before, it is likely that you will be emailing your subscribers once per month. This is the standard for small businesses. You can increase the frequency of your email without annoying your clients.

It is possible to send emails twice per month, and then increase it to weekly. Consider sending emails twice a week if you have great content or regularly updated offers or promotions. You should take your time to monitor these campaigns.

Some businesses send out daily emails. It's important to choose a product or service that is worthy of this active approach if you decide to go this route. You will also need to perform significant A/B testing on subject lines, copy and images along with measuring open rates and click-through rates

Ensure you are meeting the needs of your clients while not wasting time or money creating low-return email campaigns.

How Often Should You Email Your List?

You must be attentive to your client when you increase the frequency of your email communications. This is a way to say, "Pay attention.".

The number one reason people unsubscribe is that they receive too many emails from the same sender. Unsubscribers who opt out of your emails could also report you as spammers to disengage completely.

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Siobhan3 Premium
I know I have had to unsubscribe to some emails because they would actually send 2-4 emails a day. I am more likely to read emails that come once or twice a week. I have also found that some lists I signed up for would say that they don't sell my email, but I would sign up in a way to see if I got emails I didn't sign up for and that happens quite often. Are they actually selling my email or do you know why this happens? Sorry, just reading this post made me think about it. Great post btw!
RogerMackley Premium
I agree Siobhan, many unscrupulous firms do it, hopefully it comes back to haunt them. Wish you a great week, and much success.
Praxides Premium
Thank your Roger for posting this valuable information, much appreciated.
RogerMackley Premium
Thank you, Praxides, hope it helps, have a great week.
YvonneBray Premium
I haven't even thought about email newsletters, Roger. When I do get to this part, I have saved your tutorial for the future.
RogerMackley Premium
Thank you, Yvonne, hope it helps, have a great week.
YvonneBray Premium
Thank you
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Some great advice here Roger, it will help me to perfect my email campaign.
Thanks so much.

Lily 😁🎶
RogerMackley Premium
Thanks Lily, hope it helps us along, hope your week is being spectacular. Thanks for the support, much appreciated.
RogerMackley Premium
Hopefully it will Lily, I'm still trying to perfect my campaign, but it is progressing. Wish you a great week and much success.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Same to you Roger.
My days are hectic but fun.

Lily 😁🎶